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when to fish

Mark Thompson

Senior Member & Supporter
For those that fish from dawn/first light on the bigger rivers........ how productive do you find the early morning compared to midday ,dusk or dark and would you have a theory as to why ?
No doubt lots of criteria so what would yours be ?
Time of year,weather,flow/colour,temp,lack of canoes etc ?

I never fish really early mornings so I dont know what I am missing... maybe.
I just go when I can and make the best of it irrespective of conditions.
on a river like the thames its got to be at 1st light or dusk into the dark because of boat traffic and bank disturbance
I'd like to think ive mastered the lower Severn, but as soon as you think you have some sort of feeding pattern you go and catch in the most weirdest of conditions. I've had days where morning doesn't get a result and bright midday does. Then when it comes to dusk and you expect your rod to hoop over it just gives bream/chub plucks. On smaller rivers I would say dusk produces better.

Why don't you try chucking more bait in.................

Is there a favoured time on the Kennet?
I think thats favoured everywhere John...:)
There really is no time when they won't feed, but dusk and the first hour into dark is when I am most optimistic. I have found in many swims, on both small and large rivers, that when the bats are flying then the tip will soon be moving round.

Really missing the riverbank !


I believe Barbel are crepuscular so feed dawn and dusk mainly, as ever when food is dished up to you on a plate would you turn it down in the daytime.

"on a river like the thames its got to be at 1st light or dusk into the dark because of boat traffic and bank disturbance"

Unless it the Thames where I fished it when anytime was bite time most of the year except mid to late summer when 3 to 4 am was the only time unless the river was up and coloured in which case mid afternoon was as good as any time. No hard and fast rules in fishing.

Seems like not many (like me) have tried early morning.
I am not suggesting it could be part of a magic formula.
WHERE to fish is obviously important, so have those banker swims we know produced at dawn for anyone,.,Tim ?

Fair to say daytime and evening produce cos that I imagine is when most actually go fishing.
Like to hear from a few early risers or "allnighters" that do try first light.
I really rate early morning but find it takes it out of me much more than fishing late does, so don't really bother with it that much. Had a season about 10 years ago when I did a good few early mornings on a pressured stretch and did relatively well.

Nick C
I like early morning, it always seems to produce a fish or two. The only thing I will say is that fishing early my confidence drops as the session goes on whilst on an evening my confidence grows.