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whats your pb barbel???

When I let the world know I had my pb I got called a liar and a cheat just because the photo did not do the fish justice even though it was weighed four times and witnessed by two people but for fighting prowess give a 8lb barbel anyday . TBH these days I very rarely weigh or photograph a fish just enjoy catching whatever size .
mine is 13lb 3oz but remember its all about where you fish. I am pleased that my PB is the same fish that holds the river record.
atb John
Proud as punch when i had a 9lb12oz a few years back on the Severn, never bettered it, but who cares, just glad to be on the bank, any fish is a bonus. :)
10.1 is mine on middle Severn, felt enormous, when I was playing it, gave me a right scrap, this is my 2nd season barbel fishing and loving every minute of it.
It's nice to have something to aim for, but I'm past obsessing about PB's now ! I have always just enjoyed being 'out there'.
Agreed also it does come down to where the fish was caught from ! 2 of my 12's came from a river where they would hardly raise an eyebrow ! The other from the Bristol Avon is a good fish for the river and means far more to me !
I think for me, especailly as I live and fish mostly the Lower systems of the Severn and WA size of the Barbel is a big factor, whereas in the middle reaches I guess it's the qty that is the target for most as doubles are a rarity.
So I really get excited with the prospect of bigger fish, however I have no doubles as yet this season a couple of nines, but Anthony has had a fantastic 12 from the Lwr Severn, which was a great boost for us both.
The thought that a 13 or a 14 is a distinct possibility keeps me going, we all need targets I guess, best so far 12.12 from the WA, never forget it:)
I've only managed two doubles in my time and nothing of 9 for over a season. However, it's part of the challenge not knowing what might pick your bait up next. For the record, the doubles were a 10lb 3oz off the middle Severn and a my PB of 12lb 9oz off the W. Avon, the sight of that fish surfacing will live with me forever as it was in a different league to anything that I'd ever seen, let alone caught.
PB Barbel

This season I have set myself a target of catching the smallest Barbel I can! The last small Barbel I caught was a 8oz from the Teme 5 years ago. I am going to fish the Loddon on a very shallow 100 yd bit, and a small side shoot, with float and maggots to see if I can catch a tiddler-ironically enough-if I do, it could be my best Barbel for sometime/and more important-so far I have had 3x 1 hour float sessions, and had lots of Dace/Chub, so its been enjoyable, but this is more of a challenge than catching a big'un so far, as I 've had 3 blanks for a small kipper. The smallest Barbel I have caught in the last 3 years (Severn, Teme, W Avon, Loddon, Thames) was 4lb, I also cannot remember catching a Gudgeon for 20 years. Hopefully now I am floatfishing a lot more, I can get one this year-anyone know of Gudgeon rich waters around Reading?

Cheers DT
My pb barbel is the one my 12 year old son landed in December while we fishing for chub on the Tees. Hard enough to find them in the summer season but a winter fish is extra special, 8lb 12oz. My biggest was 9lb 6oz about three years ago and while it would be nice to get a double the serenity of being on the bank away from the hassles of life is just as rewarding.
Mine is 15lb-8oz from the Bristol Avon.
As someone pointed out earlier a p.b. is relevant to where you fish. I fish the upper Trent where quantity is scarce but you tend to get more quality. My PB is 13-13 from a river carrying two feet of extra water.
On my many trips to the Severn above Bridgnorth I catch a lot between 3 and 6 pounds, where as if I have two or 3 from the upper Trent it's been a good session.
A 10lb plus fish from a Yorkshire River is an absolute belter but would hardly raise an eyebrow on the Dorset Stour or Hants Avon. Nowadays I just enjoy being on the bank and catching whatever comes along.

P.b. by a long way is a 12-1 caught many years ago off the Cherwell, very special fish that one, i have caught bigger ones but as a personal best that fish is and probably always will be the one.
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It is all down to the rivers you fish, I managed a big fish from the Dove last year which I will probably never beat which is now my pb. But my previous one of 13.2 from Ironbridge town is a far more noteworthy fish; particularly as I caught it getting on for 15 years ago when Severn doubles were as rare as hens teeth and practically unheard of in the Telford area.
Some very good points about waters you fish, I have had a number of 14lb plus Barbel, including 14-6 fish from two rivers and a 14-8 from another, however all of those rivers produce 17lb plus barbel, two of them 19lb plus barbel and many of my friends who fish the same rivers regularly, have PBs in excess of 16lbs. So my achievements whilst higher than many of the posts so far are pretty woeful by local standards.
Great post Ian

pm me the river with the 19s :D
Plus if you get too wound up about it you forget the real reasons why we go fishing. I don't go out to catch doubles specifically like some, I know that one will turn up by law of averages which is probably why I only have two to my name. However, there's much more to our hobby than that and I'm probably happier with the 18lb 3oz river Pike I caught last winter and would love to do a 3lb+ Perch this season.
Hi Ian

I was hoping it was a river near Bolton, :D
There must be 20s in the Croal by now John, there were bicycles and shopping trolleys in there when I was a lad. I wonder if Bradshaw Brook is still full of bull heads??
Kinell !!!! this is like 'Lobbing'.......... Was it 'Hard' or 'Soft' when you weighed it ? :D:D:D

Enjoying what I'm doing is more important than weight :)