I think with all nets where the spreader and the arms/frame are separable, people should consider a fail safe where by should the two become separated at the wrong time, (fish in net) you can still hang on to your catch.
Don’t say “it won’t happen”
It’s not a nice experience and I was lucky enough to retrieve my fish and save it from the jaws of death but it cost me a pair of wet legs.
Had it been carrying extra water I’d of had to let it go.
Yes, I have posted this before on the forum, but here again this is what I do
I sew a loop of cord to the net either side of where the spreader would be - pictured is just one of my nets but I do it to all
Then I secure this loop with a yellow cable tie (yellow so at the end of session when you cut it off you'll see it on the ground) - pictured is just one of my nets but I do it to all
I also, if required, utilise this loop to affix a tether so I can stake this to the bank in case the net/handle/fish slips towards the water
The thing about these is this :
Had you asked me in my previous 49 years of barbel fishing how many times had my net arms become detached from the spreader block I'd have said never, or how many times I'd (almost) lost a net whilst resting a fish I'd have said a couple of times.
So don't say it has never happened to you therefore it will never happen. These simple modifications and utilisation of the cord may just save you having the problems that I had !!