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Wallis Casting

Good on yer Mark,...I was fortunate to be able to watch my dad Wallis cast when he took me fishing as a nipper. It just seemed second nature to him and I'm glad he took the trouble to teach me. Back in the late 50s and throughout the 60s many bog standard rods had a through action which certainly made the cast easier and smoother for a beginner imo, and I still favour a softer action rod for centerpin work nowadays.
I remember him even holding the bulk shot in his left hand when casting a fixed spool on the odd occasion, ...that's the cast he had learnt and it had become second nature.
There is no substitute for having a tutor to help iron out the basic faults.
I enjoy a fair bit of beachcasting and for years made do with a half arsed pendulum cast which was gleaned from step by step pictures in fishing mags.
I got by with it,..but one day I decided to swallow my pride and pay for some coaching.
After 45 mins, I was hitting distances with a multi that had previously been beyond my capabilities ,....it wasn't all about casting to the horizon,...more about just admitting my casting had room for improvement and then having the subsequent satisfaction of doing it right. Whether it's actually caught me more fish is debatable! However, with the advent of very long tippy rods and improved fixed spools,...novices are hitting long distances with a simple overhead thump!

I still use my dad's Mordex Merlin along with other pins for trotting because of the enjoyment factor, not because they're questionably better,...though I tend to think they are!:D
Nowadays my biggest problem is actually seeing the float at distance,...not casting!
But the extra ring is to aid a Nottingham cast, rather than a Wallis. I've probably missed a post or two so apologies if that has been pointed out already.

Rhys - yes, I know I'm leaving myself open to ridicule, however the majority of anglers are usually (and rightly) supportive of other anglers doing their own thing. Either way, there's nothing to defend. :)
The Nottingham cast is better for confined swims imo even though a Wallis can be achieved underarm instead of side by some. The extra eye can give the best of both worlds as long as it's not too close to the butt.