I am bored, so I will offer a cynics view of politics and politicians
I think the problem with politics is ourselves. The natural state of mankind is to be corrupt and self serving, we can't help it. We are designed to be that way, to be super competitive, because through that we improve ourselves (at least as nature sees it)...it's called evolution. Fortunately, a side effect of evolution is the ability to understand that we need to curb the worst of our natural inclinations and nastiness, otherwise we can't survive as a species....hence the need for Mr. Plod and all the rest of the legal paraphernalia.
Unfortunately, the old saying 'Total power brings total corruption' is very true, and the closer an individual comes to that state of power, the more their natural instincts take over. I think politicians can't help themselves...as soon as it looks like nobody is watching, they just can't keep their sticky little fingers out of the cookie jar, whether those cookies consist of monetary gain, power, sexual favours....or whatever else floats their boat.
I think there have been a few saint like politicians over the years...but it wouldn't take you long to count them, and you wouldn't have to take your socks off for fear of running out of digits either. Unfortunately, it is also true that these lovely, well meaning souls are rarely effective...Michael Foot springs to mind here, for those old enough to remember.
So, we get what we deserve...we get politicians just as likely to rip us off as the 'rogue traders' we see on the telly. Whatever they say in the run up to the election is only said as a means to win that election, and the odds of those promises being kept are at best 50/50. Take your pick then of the political parties of today...it probably matters very little which one you choose, because ideologically they are so close now it's hard to tell the difference. And...whatever else happens, each time they are faced with the choice 'What is best for the nation' versus 'What is best for me'....there is only ever going to be one winner!
So, stop worrying about it. We have always been the same, and we aint about to change. Besides....what's the worst that can happen? Damn, I wish I hadn't asked that...I am quite depressed now

Cheers, Dave.