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Torrix 11' blank & Peregrine's 11' GTI blank

Chalk and cheese Julian. Couldn’t be any different even when holding the same test curves.
The GTI has a very classical through action it’s very old school Avon rod like, and every inch bends, but it’s powerful through the bend. It will stop anything in its tracks if you want it too. This has a slower taper and thicker walls than the torrix and the blank will be heavier slightly.

Torrix is tippy with a faster taper and faster action. So it gets stiffer and stiffer the further you dare take it. I’d call the 11ft Torrix a 2/3 progressive through action with that last 2ft only bending when something really quite special is pulling back
You’ll cast a bigger payload further and more accurate with a Torrix, you’ll put more pressure on the fish through leverage with the GTI being softer.
Richard, where would you put the Chimera no.1, 11ft 1.4lb rod against these two. I own these and Torrix 1.75 lb 12 footers. The Chimera is a true Avon rod and the leverage it produces, it could stop anything I am likely to hook. I must admit, the bend does take a bit of getting used to, having been used to the more sitffer rods.
Richard, where would you put the Chimera no.1, 11ft 1.4lb rod against these two. I own these and Torrix 1.75 lb 12 footers. The Chimera is a true Avon rod and the leverage it produces, it could stop anything I am likely to hook. I must admit, the bend does take a bit of getting used to, having been used to the more sitffer rods.
Paul I love the chimera no1. it was my first expensive barbel rod and it still to this day holds my river ivel pb of 15,03
Yeah it does bend but it’s got some bollocks about it as you’ll very well know.

As you already know compared to any torrix 11 or 12ft the c1 is a lot more through actioned. Slightly stiffer tip and the rest just melts into this full through action. I don’t think ive ever locked mine up as the fish just seem to turn and roll over before the rod goes into its point of nothing else to give. Beautiful players rod

Compared to 11ft GTI, it has similarities in action type but i would say the GTI is slightly more stepped up. The chimera 2 would be another that has similarities in action to the no1 and GTI but I’d say this was a little more stepped up again and has an ever so slightly stiffer butt section.
They are all a million miles away from fast actioned torrix
Richard, where would you put the Chimera no.1, 11ft 1.4lb rod against these two. I own these and Torrix 1.75 lb 12 footers. The Chimera is a true Avon rod and the leverage it produces, it could stop anything I am likely to hook. I must admit, the bend does take a bit of getting used to, having been used to the more sitffer rods.
Isn’t chimera no 1 is 12ft 1.5lb? The only 11ft in chimera range is chimera Avon, which is 1.25lb.
Reading with interest these comparisons between Gti's and Chimera No.1's. I am wondering where the Interceptor Medium might fit in to those. Can anyone offer an opinion please?
Yes. At the time Roger said the best blank for a barbel rod was the 11ft Gti

As Jim said, my design is available on Roger's Peregrinerods site. I'm not pushing this, it was just that at the time I refurbished Roger's website and the rod was added :)

paul4 barbel rod
I love that! You refurbished Rogers site & added a rod.... Wonder if he ever cottoned on? 😂😂
But cheers. Was looking at them the other day and apparently has a ring positioned just so for ease with the casting if centrepin? 👍
I love that! You refurbished Rogers site & added a rod.... Wonder if he ever cottoned on? 😂😂
But cheers. Was looking at them the other day and apparently has a ring positioned just so for ease with the casting if centrepin? 👍
I did it with his full knowledge of course :D

Yes, as with all of my rods, the additional ring is for ease of casting with a centrepin, that's the Nottingham Cast, it doesn't come into play with other casts.

Although it may need another update or two, this (below) is the story of my barbel rods in case you wondered :D

The story so far

The explanation of the additional ring is contained within my article "Centrepins and using them, especially for Barbel fishing"

But this is digressing from the original subject of the thread. I have no experience of long term use of a Torrix (tried one for a couple of sessions but so different from my GTi I didn't take to it). Also the Torrix, as far as I know, was not a current model in 2002 when I started with the GTi.
Reading with interest these comparisons between Gti's and Chimera No.1's. I am wondering where the Interceptor Medium might fit in to those. Can anyone offer an opinion please?
If I remember it correctly, chimera is interceptor+3k and 1k woven, so these two blanks should have very similar or almost identical action.
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I have an 11ft GTI 1.75 - made for me by Paul Whiteing- and a Torrix 11ft 1.75 and also an 11ft 2lb Torrix.

If I had to choose one of these to keep it would definitely be the GTI.

I would agree with Richard Isaacs that the Torrix is more suited to casting distances (which I don't do for 95% of my barbel fishing with a centrepin) but when it comes to playing action the GTI beats the Torrix hands down for me with a more through action, but not quite as through actioned as my 4 -piece Harrison Avon 1.5lb which is my absolute favourite barbel rod.
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Cheers Richard.

As it happens I've got a 10' Peregrine stalker coming my way pretty soon for some proper tight under your bank, trees above your head sort of swims!

Also currently looking at the 11' GTI with Roger too, but for a future build unless I give in 👍
The 10ft 1.75 is yet another I’m unfamiliar with and I’m pretty desperate to get my hands on one to try (not buy)
Hopefully if we get chance to meet up at some point Julian you may be able to help me tick a box 😀
So to look at those 3 rods I mentioned it could be said that the Interceptor (med) would be followed by the Chimera and then the Gti in terms of resistance to bending, beginning with the rod with the least resistance?
Interesting stuff
Personally I am a huge fan of the 12’ 1.25Torrix for small- medium rivers / feeders
A bit of an anomaly as the top section bends through as you would expect , but the butt is similar in power to the 1.75 Torrix ?
Sounds wrong but an awesome barbel rod
The much neglected Dark Carbon is another brilliant blank
Love my 1.5 TC
Definitely more of a through action and sits between Torrix & Chimera I think?
All lovely blanks