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Tony Miles

Met Tony for first time in May this year.He'd just got the last fishable swim available on manor lake at linear.As a consequence I had to look elsewhere,but I didn't even mind because it was Tony Miles.....R.I.P
Apparently whilst fishing. .......I'd like to think that's how he envisaged his last moments.


Whilst fishing the Great Ouse I heard Jeff....which I suppose was quite fitting given the hours he spent there. Great angler and angling writer.
Whilst fishing the Great Ouse I heard Jeff....which I suppose was quite fitting given the hours he spent there. Great angler and angling writer.

Indeed I enjoyed his writing style.

MODS could we perhaps have a pic of Tony with one of his lumps on the homepage, I think it would be a fitting homage to the great man.
Never met Tony, but felt though I knew him through his brilliant way with words. Inspired many of us to pursue big barbel.
Very sad news.
very sad news,a great loss to our sport,when you bought a magazine on fishing his was the first article you would turn to read and most likely the only one you remember,a true angling great,who inspired many.
Very sad. Funnily enough like Steve i just started reading Quest for Barbel again, will be thinking of Tony as I read through the pages, great angler and writer.
Very sad news indeed. I met Tony a few times over the years, mostly on the Cherwell. Last time was just over a year ago on the Leamington stretch of the Warks Avon when we talked for quite while. He remarked then on how his health had restricted him to fishing close to his vehicle, but he seemed in great form. One of the true angling greats, probably second only to Dick Walker as an all rounder and terrific writer. His book Elite Barbel is my favourite all time angling book and sums up his approach to fishing perfectly. RIP Tony
very sad indeed the first barbel book i read was a quest for barbel, A great fisherman who will be missed by all.
Very sad to hear the news. Tony was a lovely man who i first met in 1995 on the Ouse at Kickles Farm. Rest in Peace Tony.