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Tin of worms....open!

Unfortunately some people are incredibly small minded. And that goes for individuals on both sides of the fence.

I believe that many of the traditionalists who are of the opinion that their way is the only way, do so in some misguided belief that they are following some religion as set out by their high priest Chris Yates.

Now I wouldn't assume to know the man well, but I have had the pleasure of his company on a few occasions, both socially and on the bank. For a man who is probably the most vocal exponent of traditional methods and gear, he is also incredibly tolerant of others. If memory serves, the last two times I have fished with him, he has been more concerned about having fun, whether everyone else has caught and the final score of the Saints game, than the fact that yes, I am dressed in a realtree waterproof over suit! In fact I think he's more embarrassed by the cult he seems to have spawned than by what his angling chums are wearing.

Many of these people also seem to swear that the word of Dick Walker is gospel, but myopically seem to forget that he was one of the greatest innovators our sport has ever seen. The 'heron' bite alarm (yes a bite alarm) the Mk IV, the arsley bomb. I've even read an article where he talks about using what is in all but name 'the method'!

For the record I wear my realtree because it's waterproof, breathable and didn't cost me the earth. I'd love one of the wool Barbour coats than Jon Berry and a couple of others wore, but unfortunately they are out of my price range and not as flexible.

Oh and please, this is not named at all traditionalists, I can't stand bigots of any persuasion.
jesus wept

i take it from the moaning threads of late people arent catching !

for the record , i dislike ll things real tree , but do use the british army pattern clothing for my fishing

does it really matter though ! :mad::rolleyes:

stop with the moaning threads and go out and fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went the other day and bagged up in my camo shorts and flip flops, but had to put my boots on when the day drew in.
Live and let live I say, to the point of when a fishes welfare and safety comes into it, thats when words need to be said. Bob Nudd became a world champ wearing his silly white flat cap...
stop with the moaning threads and go out and fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Chairman on Monday

We are. Here are some of our Lady Guides in the Great Hall trying out the spotting polaroids I bought them the other day.

As ever,


jesus wept

i take it from the moaning threads of late people arent catching !

for the record , i dislike ll things real tree , but do use the british army pattern clothing for my fishing

does it really matter though ! :mad::rolleyes:

stop with the moaning threads and go out and fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calm down, Stuart.
I don't see anything more than the odd post that is anything other than the exact opposite of the moaning threads you describe.:confused:
paul , welcome to the world of mute . ive given up trying to understand what you are waffling on about half the time , so now i wont need to

chris , i am calm . im in the land of calm , sweden , but with the thread about pre baiting , another about freedom to do what we want , made up barbel police etc etc , its making depressing reading

like i said , does it matter if they use camo of any description ?
chris , i am calm . im in the land of calm , sweden , but with the thread about pre baiting , another about freedom to do what we want , made up barbel police etc etc , its making depressing reading

I agree entirely with that but don't see too many posts including the OP that come across as the "barbel police" type stuff. I thought it was quite the opposite other than a couple of posts. Most know my feelings on the whole "barbel police" thing. https://barbel.co.uk/site/vbulletin/forum/showthread.php?t=3741
Cant see what all the fuss is about, let people wear what they want. Next will be you cant use that rod for that fishing:eek:
paul , welcome to the world of mute . ive given up trying to understand what you are waffling on about half the time , so now i wont need to

chris , i am calm . im in the land of calm , sweden , but with the thread about pre baiting , another about freedom to do what we want , made up barbel police etc etc , its making depressing reading

like i said , does it matter if they use camo of any description ?


Sweden, the land of calm Stuart? When they come 18th in the list of the worlds top suicide countries, in which the UK comes 49th? And if memory serves me right, a few years back they actually topped the league for European countries :eek:

Actually Stuart, I am very fond of Sweden as well....I mention this fact purely in retaliation for your accusation that this is a 'moaning thread' :D:D:D

The original aim of the thread was NOT to moan, the very opposite in fact....it was light heartedly asking the question 'Why do people moan?'.....in this instance, about what others wear. I apologise if my original post was not too clear. My point was, as you said in so many words at the end of your post....why does it matter so much to some folk what others choose to wear?'

It was meant to be a bit of fun, with a slightly serious question included :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
Cant see what all the fuss is about, let people wear what they want. Next will be you cant use that rod for that fishing:eek:

Wouldn't be anything to do with your realtree suit would it Paul? :eek: Says me!

Who cares what people think - i've been known to walk around ASDA in mine! ( even that's probably wrong - should have been Waitrose or sainsbury's :rolleyes: ) In any case if you had seen me as a teenager i actually look quite normal in realtree camo. Those that do question the wearing of such items probably have some deep burning issues with their own angling that they are finding it hard to cope with. Poor them. :)
Little old me wears a pair of ex dutch army trousers because..., they have an velcro adjustable waist so you can tuck in when it goes damp at night, they dont show the dirt from trampling around on the grass and mud all day and night, they are very comfy and they cost me £14 for 2 pairs, better than ruining a fancy pair of designer angling trousers and they last very well.
Am i a numpty ???
Bloody hell....fisherman getting upset about what other fisherman wear....whatever next. I happen to wear British camo trousers (£10 Great Yorkshire Show special clothing deal) and real tree camo shirt (£5 E-bay special, so good the leaves shed in autumn)....both and are very durable. Plus the better half has her mind set that it's okay if these (and me) get dirty .....as it doesn't show.
My feelings are that the real advantage of camoflage clothing is that it doesn't help to hide me from the fish (they aren't there) but sure as hell helps me to hide from other anglers, many is the time they have passed me by not even noticing my presence....althout one cheeky bugger did try to fish my swim till I "coughed" loudly and startled the rod rests out of him.
The major problem is photographs. I find pictures of fish levitating in midair with a god head floating a few feet above it rather disturbing.
Guess I need a new pink tutu for those all too rare trophy shots.
Little old me wears a pair of ex dutch army trousers because..., they have an velcro adjustable waist so you can tuck in when it goes damp at night, they dont show the dirt from trampling around on the grass and mud all day and night, they are very comfy and they cost me £14 for 2 pairs, better than ruining a fancy pair of designer angling trousers and they last very well.
Am i a numpty ???

According to some Richard...yes :(....purely because of what you choose to wear

Like you, I sometimes wear ex forces camo trousers/jacket because they are quality waterproof clothing at a decent price. I would be just as happy if they came in plain green/brown/whatever subdued colours, but I feel absolutely certain that the camo properties they happen to come in will do no harm at all to my efforts to remain unnoticed by the fish. Whether camo clothing helps to any great extent in that respect I really don't know....nor is it the point.

The point is....WHY does it matter so much to some if you or I or Joe Blogs choose to wear it ....WHAT on earth has has the style of clothing anyone wears got to do with anyone else?...WHY do some feel 'it makes you look silly'....in fact, what worrying, deep rooted problem is it that makes 'looking silly' while you are fishing a matter of any importance anyway :D:D:D

Whatever it was that started the weird 'cult of hatred' against anything camo I have no idea, but it certainly caught on well....but then, sheep always run in flocks :D:D:D