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The Angling Trust are you a member?

I think at the end of the day it comes down to money and selfishness, people don't like to pay for something they're getting nothing back for, materialist wise. For example someone who's a member of a carp syndicate which is well stocked and well protected, and fishes nowhere else, is going to think 'what's in it for me?'. Same goes for match anglers who fish overstocked puddles. I'd say those two groups cover a massive chunk of the 3/4m anglers in this country. If it was a free membership you'd see numbers rocket.
I think at the end of the day it comes down to money and selfishness, people don't like to pay for something they're getting nothing back for, materialist wise. For example someone who's a member of a carp syndicate which is well stocked and well protected, and fishes nowhere else, is going to think 'what's in it for me?'. Same goes for match anglers who fish overstocked puddles. I'd say those two groups cover a massive chunk of the 3/4m anglers in this country. If it was a free membership you'd see numbers rocket.

It may well for some come down to money, if you are a family man with bills to pay and short of money the bills will come first I would imagine.

To fish in all the bigger matches membership is compulsory, I wonder how many would be members if it were not.
I wonder why they have to accept a sponsor that perhaps compromises their core values. Could it be lack of funds.....


Or perhaps it's a start at building a working relationship?

It's easy for us to comment when we don't have the full facts.

No and Never will!!!

My Reasons, I sea fish and what this lot of clowns are trying to do with areas of the sea is pure stupidity. they have fully supported the MCZ,S but most are not going to do anything as they are not in good areas. they then have supported the closing of Kingmere reef on the sussex coast but this will be closed to anglers but not commercials, pure stupidity.

So i will not join they have even suggested a licence for seafishing, people have said ok so what are you going to provide with the money ? are you going to restock when the stocks show they need it etc etc what wopuld they do with the money?

I am and have been for a couple of years now. Even though some may not like the way they operate, without a unified voice of a fair representation of the 3 million (?) anglers in this country, we stand no chance when up against the likes of the RSPB etc.

Just got my membership...... been meaning to do it for years.
I've never been one to kick out a beautiful, sexy, funny, intelligent, woman for farting, so yes I'm a member. Why is it some people only see the things the Trust does that they don't like as a reason not to join, rather than the good things they do as being a reason to join. Thames Water as sponsors isn't a problem for me because I believe building relationships is the best way to effect change. Any money Thames Water want to put into angling should be warmly welcomed, the AT isn't exactly awash with funds. I'd like to know how refusing their sponsorship and blanking them would in any way help angling ? If its about taking the moral high ground I'm not interested, I'm interested in change, and helping protect the hobby I love. I'm truly baffled as to why the ATs membership is so low and can only conclude that it must have something to do with the profile of anglers, both psychological and demographic. How on earth are we able to be pushed around so much when there's so many of us ?

Nick C
I think there are many and varied reasons why membership of the trust is so low Nick, apathy, cost for some, disagreeing with a lot that they do/have done, not all anglers are serious about their fishing, I have a friend that fishes infrequently who had never even heard of them, I believe that is the fault of the trust, unless you buy weeklies/monthlies or use a forum how would he know of them?
I agree Graham, I think there are too many anglers out there unaware of the AT and what they do, and I also think many anglers are just casual anglers who aren't particularly passionate about angling. Don't know whether the AT will ever have enough clout, but they'll continue to get my support as I genuinely think they care about the future of our sport.

Nick C
Gross Wages for 2012 - £426,665.......Staff travelling expenses £65,970! Member funded. I won't tell you what percent goes to the head honcho or you'll spit your drink out. No wonder they don't have much money spend.
But it does state they have over 400k in cash. I have many an opinion on the AT as my fishermen folk on Facebook are aware, but I did state I'd join if they made an advance on the cormorant issue, which they have ever so slightly, but it is an advance at the least. Plus I'm sick of hearing you don't have an opinion if you aren't a member, if they claim to be the voice of angling then everyone has a voice. I shall join from this moment on. And I will make a noise from within. I applaud the guys I know within. The rest are pillocks but I wish them the best and will now support because "who else is there". Unfortunately no one. Now take my money and do something with it.
The wages bill is bound to be top heavy they have a legal arm as well as the board itself. Some work for the AT for nothing. How do the wages compare to the top brass of the RSPB ? I don't know the answer to that question, I'm just curious.
Pleased you've joined Bobby and i also hope they make more progress on the cormorant issue.

Nick C
RSPB bosses are over 100k. AT is below. Just......i will happily support if they continue to make progress on cormorants. Everyones down each other's pants but it'll have to do for now.
All the top charity bosses in the UK get over 100k. And raising each year. 219k tops it for one. Not bad eh. Oh how they care........AT is a limited company so we can give them a break. Head honcho salary at the AT is around 80k last time I checked. Plus expenses of course.........Strapped for cash?........I could've made it all up though.
All the top charity bosses in the UK get over 100k. And raising each year. 219k tops it for one. Not bad eh. Oh how they care........AT is a limited company so we can give them a break. Head honcho salary at the AT is around 80k last time I checked. Plus expenses of course.........Strapped for cash?........I could've made it all up though.

Sadly, you are spot on about charities Bobby. The hierarchy of the top 'charities' are infamous for the huge salaries they draw. The obscenely expensive rounds of cocktail parties and general 'jollies for the boys' that goes on every time they gather abroad to 'oversee their charities good works' is another bone of contention. I think it is a sickness of our times....think 'bankers bonuses', and the 'good minister' who got his comeuppance recently.

However, I think that PROVIDING the AT continues to improve it's performance, and starts taking more notice of it's members wishes, then the executives will be worth the salaries they receive. We shall need to support them for that to happen though....in my opinion.

Cheers, Dave.
Indeed mate, I've moaned enough about them over time, they have started coming good in what I asked of them regarding the critters and based on that, for me, it's time to show my support by becoming a member.........I'll have to forget about the rest.......and Keith.
1.1 billion of tax payers money went to leading charity's, do the angling trust receive any!