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The Angling Trust are you a member?

Let me be the first to say nope then.

Me 3rd

Given that BFW has a new thread every week, outlining issues that are a threat to our beloved sport, I'm curious to know how many BFW members are members of the Angling Trust and if not a member then why not?

Using avian predation as an example, remember that the RSPB (of which I'm a member) has over one million members and when they are against further culling controls for avian fish predation, this becomes a strong body within the argument and one which the disorganised world of angling will struggle to compete with!

Maybe you should drop your RSPB membership then - one less voice to fight with!
No and don't feel the need to join as an individual member, clubs and associations I am a member of are, I have several reasons for this but will not go into them on here as this kind of thread can very quickly decend into an us and them argument. I will say though that for clubs/syndicates/water owners the insurance offered is very good value and in this sue everyone for anything world we live in very important.