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Tony Rocca

Senior Member
Someone <EDIT name removed> was bragging today on another site how he has pre baited a middle severn swim for the past 6 weeks. It is said almost 130 kilos of bait have gone in during this time.
Now I think that is downright selfish and not at all fair to any other anglers in the locality tomorrow.

When I contacted <EDIT name removed> to tell him what I thought he said he was after carp, yer right, not that it makes any difference.

Its the first day of the season tomorrow and this type of attitude amongst so called barbel anglers really gets my goat. Do we really have to catch at any cost?

Or is it just that they dont know how to fish?
I've not got much of an interest in whether I'd consider pre-baiting to be selfish or not. I do think it's a gamble though. I could bet that if I did it someone would be sat in the swim the day I wanted to be in it.:(;):D
I also suspect that it may have a negative effect in some of the places I fish.

However, I did see an interesting thing on another forum with regards to pre-baiting rivers. It purported to come from an EA official who suggested that he considered pre-baiting in the closed season to be illegal. How he came to that conclusion wasn't clear at all but gave me pause for thought. What if the EA bailiffs have been briefed with this directive? What happens if one that has catches someone in the act?:confused:
130kg of bait? Obviously must be flush but it does seem an awful lot of bait to piling in even if you broke it down to a weekly basis. Is the stretch of limited access or a widely accessible stretch?
We have a local lad who has the rights to fish a section above our local angling club he baits I beleive sometimes 5 to 6kg at a time a few times a week. It draws the decent barbel from way downstream (whether or not he baits the fish from section to section I am unsure). But at times he has had over 20 barbel countless decent chub carp bream ect ect in the swim. It really spoils the fishing downstream and to be honest is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Its catching for those who have the money for there own stretches and limitless amounts of bait. Its not fishing for me I am afraid.
Is that upstream of Reybridge Clive?
130 kG! Crikey, that would last the rest of my fishing life time. Was only talking about this last night during a quick over-nighter on my local. A 1kg bag of boilies now last me for about a season — I take about 15-20 or so and just use them for the hookbait and few to chuck in. Nine times out ten I end up throwing the leftover in at the end and feeling wasteful for Doing so. Same with pellets really, bought about 20 KG a year or so back and still got about 15kg left. As the old adage goes — I'm there to catch 'em, not to feed 'em. Different strokes for different folkes, I guess, and if the fish do well on it... and also the swim is open to all, first come, first served could be 130 kgs wasted.
We have a local lad who has the rights to fish a section above our local angling club he baits I beleive sometimes 5 to 6kg at a time a few times a week. It draws the decent barbel from way downstream (whether or not he baits the fish from section to section I am unsure). But at times he has had over 20 barbel countless decent chub carp bream ect ect in the swim. It really spoils the fishing downstream and to be honest is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Its catching for those who have the money for there own stretches and limitless amounts of bait. Its not fishing for me I am afraid.

This must be the same person Trefor West told me about a couple of years ago. It is downright selfish and nothing more than an ego trip for idiots who call themselves "anglers"
It's 100kg of bait thats gone in spread over two swims. Now on a highly populated river such as the Severn and only a few nomadic carp we are targetting heavy prebaiting is the way to hopefully catch a carp. Now over 5 or 6 weeks its about 15/20kg a week of vitalin, pellets, corn and boilies now with the large head of barbel and Chub in the stretch how long do you think that bait will last. I tell you what Tony you stick to your fishing and we will stick to ours, oh and next time you or one of your mates sends an abusive text try having the balls to put your name to it.
I was on the verge of pulling this thread, though it may generate an interesting debate. I've therefore removed the name from the original post.

If it goes downhill any further it'll get zapped.


Andy F
Not in everybodys opinion Tony. Its not like we are talking a small river with a low fish population, the swims haven't been fished for years we had to clear them, remove snags etc. Well away from any other swims on the stretch which is six miles long. Problem is people dont know the facts do they.
Just my opinion Jez and I wondered what others thought.

I wouldnt want to be in any peg 100 yrds either side tomorrow myself. I have seen how far pellets can pull barbel with my own eyes many times.
Now on a highly populated river such as the Severn and only a few nomadic carp we are targetting heavy prebaiting is the way to hopefully catch a carp. Now over 5 or 6 weeks its about 15/20kg a week of vitalin, pellets, corn and boilies now with the large head of barbel and Chub in the stretch how long do you think that bait will last.

I'm glad you wrote and not me...:rolleyes:

IMO its not in the slightest bit selfish. Yes 130kg of bait sounds a lot but like Jez states, that's only 20kg a week, or 3kg a day and is the weight given a dry or prepared weight?

Tony, am I to take it you've never used more than 3kg of bait in a day session?

Tony, I will agree with one thing you wrote; the target species is an irrelevance, though that's because even 1-2" fry eat pellets and boilies, and I know of no cyprinids (including minnows) that don't eat Vitalin and sweetcorn either!
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Just my opinion Jez and I wondered what others thought.

I wouldnt want to be in any peg 100 yrds either side tomorrow myself. I have seen how far pellets can pull barbel with my own eyes many times.
That aint a problem because there isn't a swim within 100yrds:D
I'm glad you wrote and not me...:rolleyes:

IMO its not in the slightest bit selfish. Yes 130kg of bait sounds a lot but like Jez states, that's only 20kg a week, or 3kg a day and is the weight given a dry or prepared weight?

Tony, am I to take it you've never used more than 3kg of bait in a day session?
Prepared weight.

Right im off the van is packed and a nice bottle Red is waiting for me down at the river.
Tony how much do you think 100kg is compared with what will be going in daily on some stretchs for the next few weeks ? Sod all is the answer.
After walking the dogs this evening I'm off with a mate to drop into our prebaited swim on the Thames which has seen over the past 3 weeks in the region of 250 kilos of mixed particles and a 'few' boilies... On a river as big as the Thames with such a relatively low population of carp let alone barbel compared to the bream, roach and chub stocks, is this selfish or being prepared to put in the extra effort time and expense to tip the odds in our favour?