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River monsters 7.30 ITV tonight

Sure makes piking look a little tame!!!! What an amazing, and a tad scary looking beast, bet unhooking it was interesting.
There,s an hour long version on ITV 4 tommorrow at 8pm.
Sure makes a better, more interesting watch than the Geordie **** on 5.
Not a bad half hours watch for a Tuesday evening in November. What a fish that Goliath Tiger is.
Shame he lost it but in a way nice that the whole village would of got a meal out of it.

Peter Littleworth Sure makes a better said:
I'll second that!!
Just recorded it, will watch it now. I have watched all the Jungle Hooks with Jeremy Wade and i enjoy watching him fishing for some real strange looking fish around the world.
i think the explanation of how it died was a little polilical correctness for the anti brigade but them fish are nasty pieces of work arn't they.i wonder if we'll see them in the severn soon. (hope not)
but them fish are nasty pieces of work arn't they.i wonder if we'll see them in the severn soon.

As someone who didn't watch the programme but who has had a few Goliath to the low 90s of pounds, and returned them on my third Congo trip in 2005...

Nasty pieces of work? Never - they're just natural design at its most gorgeous best.

No need to kill them: you merely rope their tail (and sack their head if they're coming onboard for a photo); I very much hope that my 60 and 91 of 2005 (and my companion's 80) are still swimming that vast river and chewing up everything.
paul, they may have been BBQed, but as with that part of the world with hungry kids about, don't blame em.
Great White Hunters feeding the benighted, grateful "natives"... So passe, so Sands of the River**, so Tarzan, so The African Queen, so blow-my-head-off-in-the-impotent-back-straight Hemingway. Best left to media types looking to impress a public, nowadays.

** Sanders of the River - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanders_of_the_River
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Just think Paul, if you weren't such an abrasive so and so that could have been you....After all, the camera is not exactly Wade's best friend is it, I'm not sure which is the scariest, him or the fish.
Abrasive? Those who know me reckon me to be the sweetest, most generous and easy-going of fellows, Adrian. They also tell me that, for many years, when it came to fishing at least, I was far too trusting. Leave it there, I think.
Is it just me or does the resume' after each interval irritate anyone else ? also why show an apparently edited version one night and then an hour long one the next ? cheap way to up the viewing figures? what?

Spectacular viewing though.
Is it just me or does the resume' after each interval irritate anyone else ? also why show an apparently edited version one night and then an hour long one the next ? cheap way to up the viewing figures? what?

Spectacular viewing though.

Yes it does, but the hype is just about more bearable than that Robson Green fellow who seems at any moment will explode with his hammy actor cum fisherman efforts.

Couldn't bear to watch the latter, watched ''Cops' on the other channel as a protest:(
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Yes it does, but the hype is just about more bearable than that Robson Green fellow who seems at any moment will explode with his hammy actor cum fisherman efforts.

Couldn't bear to watch the latter, watched ''Cops' on the other channel as a protest:(

I unfortunately did watch it, and yes, it truly is gut wrenchingly awful stuff.

In the last part of that episode, he is shown standing in a canoe with an Amazon fisherman, both holding large harpoons (I kid you not:eek:) Eventually, after one or two misses (while the geordie **** stands whingeing) the indian guide manages to spear a large, unfortunate fish, which is clubbed to death before they drag it onboard. This is followed by much rather false sounding, demonic shrieking and arm shaking...and RG whoops out how he after much effort, has finally managed to 'catch' one of the desired monsters :eek:

Total, unmitigated w@nker.

Cheers, Dave.
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When will you realise that the way people catch fish in foreign parts differs greatly to how we fish over here. If you dont like it, don't watch it. Its not rocket science.
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But Dave its disgraceful! I here some of these fuzy wuzies actually eat the fish they catch!
All fish, the world over, should be caught and landed humanely, admired, then returned safe and well.

I can't watch it for the simple reason that Robson Green is a bit of a t*t.
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