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RIP Terry Lampard

Have just logged on and am saddened to read of the loss of a true Stour legend.
A pic. of Terry with a Stour '16' has adorned my workbench for the past 5 years, and has often inspired me to make the 200 mile round trip to that wonderful river.
Sincere condolences to his friends and family.
Dave T.
saw him on the bank a few times also with his mate nairn bread who will be in shock only saw terry in ringwood tackle a couple of months back rest in peace terry god bless
Very sad news. I was fortunate to bump into Terry several times over the years on a few pits. He took the photos of my first double figure Tench. Perhaps the finest all round big fish angler this country has seen.
Such a genuine, honest, thoroughly likeable bloke.

Rest in peace Terry.
Massive loss , condolences to his family , Also Don Slaymaker match fishing legend lost his battle against cancer :(
Big lost to the angling world with a p.b. list that every one of us would be glad to have. And unlike many names out there I have never heard a bad word said about him R.I.P Terry.
Very sad news this, Terry was an inspiration to us all, not just because of the stupendous amount of big fish he caught (his 11lb Engelfield tench is firmly lodged in my memory bank) but also the impeccable way he conducted himself, sleep well fella.
a true legend . He was an inspiration and the pure dedication without complacency .
I smile every time I step over a fence and remember Terry and his faithful bucket .
Heard this morning via a facebook feed,when talking of great anglers and nice fish Terrys name always comes up in bankside banter.Came across as a'proper' angler.Tis sad news indeed.
Oh, dear - this is a complete shock.

I owe much of my fishing philosophy to the knowledge of that man.

RIP Terry.
I was fortunate to meet Terry on the bank,on a couple occasions over the years-genuine guy,oracle of knowledge and inspiration.RIP
Very sad news, Terry was someone i very much admired.
A great loss to the angling world.

Far, far too early Terry, perhaps the big man in the sky was struggling with the Chub and needed you there ! R.I.P fella