Roger Cramer
Senior Member & Supporter
Currently recuperating from a bit of radiotherapy treatment recently, I am anticipating a period where, despite my desire to get back out on the (Ribble) bankside at the peak time for barbelling (October-December) I realise that lugging my regular kit along the river will be a major hurdle in my present physically fatigued state. However, I recalled on many previous occasions in the past that it was possible to obtain battery-operated trolleys to overcome such situations. Unfortunately, my recent on-line research this morning has not been as productive as I might have considered (particularly as I already knew that the go-to POWAWALKER company went out of circulation several years ago!). As I am far from capable of "DIY-ing my own battery-type trolley (I certainly don't want one of those massive carpers' four-wheeled pantechnicons!) does anyone have any brilliant suggestions or am I just gonna have to wait until I eventually get back to my normal, reasonably healthy (for a 76-year-old!) level....which might be at least a month or two or more away?!