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Martyn Lloyd

Senior Member
Just got to get Christmas out the way then the winter campaign on the Severn will get into full swing.

Big, uncaught river fish.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyone else venturing out?
Hopefully... probably one short trip whilst staying with family and then a bit more in the New Year. Lost a big double in November and I'm back for revenge!
I haven't managed to catch pike since 1st October. I'm fishing my usual places where it is possible to catch a few big ones each year but no runs yet.

The river has been up and down alot and getting there in the right conditions has been difficult.

Usually after Christmas the sport picks up a bit.......I hope!!

After 4 river blanks, i managed to finally catch a fish in 2010.

I had a few afternoon hours on a Yorkshire stillwater that was still half frozen, but managed to winkle out 3 pike to a best of 15lb 10oz, which took a wobbled smelt as darkness fell.

Its not very often this gets said on here. But that looks bigger than 15
Had my first river winter pike trip today: 4 fish including a PB.
But what astounded me was how much harder fish I caught in August and September fought than these four did. Summer fish were pulling about five times their weight by comparison, and also with much tail walking and some accelerating dives towards sunken trees that had me quite worried. By contrast these bigger winter fish were just weight, with nothing much of a scrap at all. Very disappointing. I know summer fish have a "good god" reputation, but the winter pike seem quite feeble really. I did not appreciate how big the difference was. Being river pike I had expected far more, even in winter.
Nice to see a piccie of a pike on here. Hardly been able to get after them this year thanks to river conditions. In fact, glue all the pike I`ve had this year and they`d struggle to be as big as that lovely 15!
BBC Radio 4 Programmes

The Living World


Tomorrow, 06:35 on BBC Radio 4



The pike has a fearsome reputation as Britain's most successful freshwater river predator. Keen fisherman and retired freshwater biologist Mike Ladle will never forget the first time he landed a pike. He was trying to catch eels, and hauled up a pike instead. When he tried to release the hook from inside its mouth, he soon found out why fishermen treat pike with such respect: their mouths are lined with rows of backwardly pointing teeth. They even have teeth on their tongue, a tongue which is green in colour! So once a pike has trapped its prey in its mouth there is no escape from those rows of thorn-like teeth.

Lionel Kelleway joins Mike Ladle on the banks of the River Frome in Dorset for a spot of fishing, using a curved hook and a dace as bait to lure their pike. While the two men watch the cork on the line bobbing in the water, Mike reveals some of the traits which make the pike so successful and why these fish are not choosy about the species of prey but the shape of the prey. Pike are also cannibalistic and will eat their own relatives, and even their own young.

Pike have been described as jet-propelled mouths. They are cylindrical in shape and all the large fins are at the rear end of the fish, which gives them the thrust they need to spring forwards in the water after prey. They hide under cover at the edge of the bank and then curl their tail round which then acts like a spring to thrust them forwards at their prey.

Years of catching, tagging, releasing and studying pike has given Mike a fascinating knowledge of these formidable creatures, but even so, there still remain some mysteries about the pike as Lionel discovers when he meets a self-confessed 'pikeoholic', gets to peer inside the mouth of a predator and learns about a fish called Isaac.
The Pike, a wonderful creature beautifully marked and our top freshwater predator, I enjoy my pike fishing immensely and was lucky enough to catch my personal best of 26lb 10oz last weekend from a new private water on my fourth session. She fell to a drifted roach deadbait fishing in a deep channel.

I look forward to more stories and piccies and wish everyone all the best in their pursuit of capturing a big girl over the next couple of months.



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I know someone who fishes Chew regular, He s told me of some VERY big fish coming out of there, i think i would prefer a large river fish over a stillwater one though.
My PB from last December.....

20lb 4oz River Pike
Taken while aboard my boat, which makes it extra special:)

My PB fly caught Pike...

16lb 4oz



One of my favourite photos...

A fish of about 15lb, taken from Dudmaston big pool a few years ago....

I like Pike.....

Some cracking fish there Steve !:D
The length of that fly caught fish is very impressive, imagine that one with a full belly:eek: