I just use one hook, size suited to the bait, for sardine size baits, a 1/0 to 2/0, just lip hooked, they will take a big cast like that, even when defrosted. For "man size" baits like whole herrings etc, a 3/0-4/0 ,but, fished on a braid hair, leaving the hook just above the head. I,ve just lip hooked big baits, with sucsess, but the hair works, more of a confidence thing.
Takes on the lip hooked baits are just as usual, takes on the hair rigged baits tend to be extremely positive. Just tighten into the fish, DONT STRIKE AT ALL, as the fish feels resistance, they try to eject the bait, and the hook catches 98% of the time in the scissors, the others have been elsewhere in the lip area, one in the throat.
Unhooking is simple, especially if you de-barb the hook.
I use Owner "MUTU "light circles, (Veals sell them), cheapish, but they are very sharp, and keep there point well, they are rated upto 20lb bs line, more than enough for any pike that swims.
As for hook-up rate, well to date, after 3 years use, 100% . I,ve usd just about every hooking option going over the years, the worst, normal single hooks, closely followed by doubles, trebles good hookup rate, but circles are just unbeatable! Just make sure you have the point exposed properly, and DONT STRIKE, JUST WIND INTO THEM.
Try them, you will be pleasantly surprised,