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Our John OK? ?

John, your post is a tonic. I knew it would take half a dozen elephants to put you down, but still couldn't help worrying. More power to ya mate, I can feel the fish trembling already :D

Cheers, Dave.
JW + DG, like an old pair of slippers, tatty and worn, but i love ya to bits. :D

My similarity to an old slipper is SO apt Derek, even down to the energy and 'get up and go' levels :D

And before you say it, I will include the level of angling skills too :p

Take care mate, and keep those kids and the puggle close.

Cheers, Dave.
great news,

the doctor have had me lving whout oxgyen for past 11 days and are teling me to let my lungs heal themselves diabetes is still a problm but its maybe the restart of a better quality of life:D:D:D