Colin Gordon
No Longer a Member
Steve, the usual source of such figure is Natural England.
Ray, that was a fair answer but can you honestly see anyone involved in the re-introduction of otters ever holding their hands up and saying we f***** up, me I can't and as for ever getting licences to kill otters, seeing as shooting foxes is so shunned upon these days, the only answer I can think of is; Not in my life time!
Howard, never fear the EA has everyones best interests at heart. Here's a extract from the EA's website;
What we do
We identify and protect otter habitats.
We improve water quality.
We improve fisheries.
We have introduced byelaws so that eel nets are fitted with otter guards and crayfish traps are narrowed to prevent accidental drowning of otters.
We help prevent otters being killed on roads by digging tunnels at roadkill blackspots and installing fencing to guide otters to safe passage points.
We are the lead partner for otters with UK Wildlife Trusts.
We fund Water for Wildlife projects which safeguard otter habitats.
We chair the National Otter Steering Group which oversees the implementation for the Species Action Plan for otters.
The underlined statements are particularly laughable, EA + NE make very good bed mates, both very adept at filling their websites with drivel and one sided (their side's) half truth about all their succeses
Ray, that was a fair answer but can you honestly see anyone involved in the re-introduction of otters ever holding their hands up and saying we f***** up, me I can't and as for ever getting licences to kill otters, seeing as shooting foxes is so shunned upon these days, the only answer I can think of is; Not in my life time!
Howard, never fear the EA has everyones best interests at heart. Here's a extract from the EA's website;
What we do
We identify and protect otter habitats.
We improve water quality.
We improve fisheries.
We have introduced byelaws so that eel nets are fitted with otter guards and crayfish traps are narrowed to prevent accidental drowning of otters.
We help prevent otters being killed on roads by digging tunnels at roadkill blackspots and installing fencing to guide otters to safe passage points.
We are the lead partner for otters with UK Wildlife Trusts.
We fund Water for Wildlife projects which safeguard otter habitats.
We chair the National Otter Steering Group which oversees the implementation for the Species Action Plan for otters.
The underlined statements are particularly laughable, EA + NE make very good bed mates, both very adept at filling their websites with drivel and one sided (their side's) half truth about all their succeses