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Off on one your "I'm a victim" jags again, I see, Gordon. You and those like you clearly don't like being defeated in polite, honest debate.

Not really Paul, just stating a fact; whenever anyone says anything opposing you, your tendancy is to bleat "victimisation"
Not really Paul, just stating a fact; whenever anyone says anything opposing you, your tendancy is to bleat "victimisation"

I'd like proof of that, please, Mr Gordon - proof to the rest here, not to me; this way, they'll know what I have deduced already from your constant "goes" at me about pretty well nothing, that "That guy 'out in the sticks of Oxfordshire' really does seem to be on that man's case.". As I said last night here, you have a track record ("pity", "victim") when it comes to me, which might make you feel good for a moment or two but only makes me think "Old BFW with its lunatic anonymous cat-killers, Mister Nicepixs and hit-'n'-run visitors who fancied taking a pop." Tedious for me, even more tedious for the rest here.
Hi men ,

Paul , I liked the old BFW more , even though iv always posted under my name , some of the anon were funny :D

Re: The BBC Springwatch footage

Yes. Did I say 75%-plus agin culling otters in any poll last night? Make that 90-plus, together with all the flying bricks we'd suddenly find ourselves encountering thrown by a mass of new, REAL Antis, not the imaginary ones that the Countryside Annoyance were forever telling us that we had several years ago.
i love john wilson, but he really must shut up on this, he's well off enough to put a fence round his lake.
Ah the swish of handbags , come on chaps . ..If you watched the Springwatch programme this week with the baby otter on , you will have gathered that ' we' will never , ever ,in a million years persuade any government to sanction the controlling of otter numbers . Millions watch that programme and you could almost hear there collective ''ooh isn't he lovely '' cooeing . Good old Kate was even going in to raptures about his lovely musky smell . The woman who brought the little fella in was being treated almost like a deity , I was starting to gag so switched off. Otters ,there here , there staying ,we will just have to put up with it ...
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I'd like proof of that, please, Mr Gordon - proof to the rest here, not to me; this way, they'll know what I have deduced already from your constant "goes" at me about pretty well nothing, that "That guy 'out in the sticks of Oxfordshire' really does seem to be on that man's case.". As I said last night here, you have a track record ("pity", "victim") when it comes to me, which might make you feel good for a moment or two but only makes me think "Old BFW with its lunatic anonymous cat-killers, Mister Nicepixs and hit-'n'-run visitors who fancied taking a pop." Tedious for me, even more tedious for the rest here.

Nice twist there Paul of the "Hamsters", convince your subordinates that they think like you, only more so.... Why are you not a politician, such wasted spiel.

A quick scan of your post history showed up these, though not worded as "victim" there is plenty of innuendo to suggest those sentiments:


From this page onwards, though it could be noted that I defended Paul in this thread.

I could if the desire was there (which it ain't) find more but I have no need or desire, as we've all seen it before, on numerous occasions...

Off fishing for next few days (shortly), so unless you're quick with your retort, I'll miss it but I'll look forward to a good laugh on my return.
The Otter was all but nearly wiped out due to chemicals farmers used at that time, but also at that time the rivers had a much healthier fish populations so they werent really a problem..But now even before the Otter was reintroduced many rivers fish stocks were in decline due to many problems which if anything reintroducing the Otter has highlighted..Should the Otter have been reintruduced in current times?..Well the answer to that is most definately NOT..But its too late now and im affraid Mr Boote is absulutely correct when he says anglers will get a bad name if they keep calling for a Otter cull, which is most definately not going too happen..I have talked too anglers who can remember Otters being on our rivers many years ago and they say they were never a problem, unlike NOW..They say that theres more of them now on certain rivers than there ever was before they were nearly wiped out..I do passionately believe that on some rivers they need to remove some Otters and put them back into captivity untill the main underlying problems have been indentified and tried to put right before letting them loose again..The money that was spent rearing and reintroducing them would of been better spent on proper river eco system surveys and put right the many wrongs that affect most rivers declining fish stocks, but that was never going to happen because these clowns ( EA ) want everyone to think what a fantastic job they do making our rivers clean so Otters can thrive again..It was all one big public relations excercise in my opinion and they couldent give a damn what anglers think..Perhaps anglers should bear this in mind when buying a EA licence because ultimately some of funds raised from anglers to improve rivers has actually contributed to their slow demise..:(
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It is a tricky one, I know of at least two game clubs who have given the keeper carte blanche to get rid of any and all threats to their stocks, so far this spring while carrying out 'mink hunts' his terriers have accidentally destroyed two litters of cubs and one female in the holts. This is from the horses mouth. He could do with a trip to speck savers as well, you have no idea how many times he has shot a crow only to find out it was a cormorant.
Nice twist there Paul of the "Hamsters", convince your subordinates that they think like you, only more so.... Why are you not a politician, such wasted spiel.

A quick scan of your post history showed up these, though not worded as "victim" there is plenty of innuendo to suggest those sentiments:


From this page onwards, though it could be noted that I defended Paul in this thread.

I could if the desire was there (which it ain't) find more but I have no need or desire, as we've all seen it before, on numerous occasions...

Off fishing for next few days (shortly), so unless you're quick with your retort, I'll miss it but I'll look forward to a good laugh on my return.

I'll let The Eagles say it for me...

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses
You've been out ridin' fences,
for so long - now.
Ohh you're a hard one.
I know that you've got your reasons.
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow.

Don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy
She'll beat you if she's able.
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.
Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table.
But you only want the ones
That you can't get.

Ohhhh you ain't getting no younger.
Your pain and your hunger,
They're driving you home.
And freedom, ohh freedom.
Well that's just some people talking.
Your prison is walking through this world all alone.

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun will shine.
It's hard to tell the night time from the day.
And you're losing all your highs and lows
ain't it funny how the feeling goes

Why don't you come to your senses?
come down from your fences, open the gate.
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you.
You better let somebody love you.
(let somebody love you)
You better let somebody love you...ohhh..hooo
before it's too..oooo.. late.
The Otter was all but nearly wiped out due to chemicals farmers used at that time, but also at that time the rivers had a much healthier fish populations so they werent really a problem..But now even before the Otter was reintroduced many rivers fish stocks were in decline due to many problems which if anything reintroducing the Otter has highlighted..Should the Otter have been reintruduced in current times?..Well the answer to that is most definately NOT..But its too late now and im affraid Mr Boote is absulutely correct when he says anglers will get a bad name if they keep calling for a Otter cull, which is most definately not going too happen..I have talked too anglers who can remember Otters being on our rivers many years ago and they say they were never a problem, unlike NOW..They say that theres more of them now on certain rivers than there ever was before they were nearly wiped out..I do passionately believe that on some rivers they need to remove some Otters and put them back into captivity untill the main underlying problems have been indentified and tried to put right before letting them loose again..The money that was spent rearing and reintroducing them would of been better spent on proper river eco system surveys and put right the many wrongs that affect most rivers declining fish stocks, but that was never going to happen because these clowns ( EA ) want everyone to think what a fantastic job they do making our rivers clean so Otters can thrive again..It was all one big public relations excercise in my opinion and they couldent give a damn what anglers think..Perhaps anglers should bear this in mind when buying a EA licence because ultimately some of funds raised from anglers to improve rivers has actually contributed to their slow demise..:(
Could I just point out that the "reintroduction" of Otters was in the main a publicity exercise and of little consequence for the actual recovery of otters on those rivers where they had never entirely died out. It was the removal of the chemicals and changes in the environment that actually caused the spread of otters back into the areas they had previously inhabited.
Well publicised "reintroductions" carried out by publicity seeking wildlife groups had little impact. Environmental changes have had real impact.
It seems to me that anglers have accepted the self justifications of many wildlife organisations for "reintroductions" of extinct species based on the otters. This is the justification that they use for the reintroduction of other species such as the Beaver. Without wanting to get into the argument about the rights and wrongs of "reintroductions" of any species, I would just like to point out that most reintroductions fail because the environment that caused a species decline has not changed. This was also the case with early reintroductions of otters. Otters have reintroduced themselves to most of the Severn catchment without the help of these various wildlife groups but because the factor that prevented successful reproduction has now been removed so they have spread back down the Teme and Severn from those upland waters where they never went away from in the first place. The odd, costly and well publicised releases failed. Banning chemicals, which harmed fish and the species that prayed on them was the success story (or otherwise).
i found signs of otter activity on the sandbanks at buildwas on the severn yesterday whilst reccying the place, a few scales & bits of fin etc, plenty of paw prints but no actual fish, but looking at the bits i bib find it wasnt a big fish
I saw my first otter on the Severn at the confluence with the Tern at Atcham in 1991. I'd been fishing all night and it swam across the front of my peg, climbed the fallen willow to my left, defecated and buggered off.
Three things:
1. It's all to late for me and my generation of anglers in the east of the country, as far a specialist fishing is concerned , in our rivers.
2. I know of otter culling going on, where the cost to the land owner, of losing anglers on the bank, equals a substantial loss of revenue.
3. I hate The Eagles, and almost slit my wrists when I heard that Joe Walsh had joined them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNDExITzRpE May all otters also turn to stone.