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One for the bite alarm using heretics

:) Dave i reckon me and you have exchanged veiws for enough years now to know where each other is coming from;) me sometimes a misunderstood grumpy old git:D you appearing to be very short and to the point, however we both know this isnt a true reflection of ourselves and quite sure that when we meet up again we will enjoy a beer or two together:),
alarms, bank sticks, butt cups ect, none of this will stop your rod flying into the river like a javelin if boris decides to make a big lunge on taking the bait
the sight of a rod flying into the river is a sight of wonderment, the sight of the rods owner is a sight of utter devastation and dismay:eek:, alarms are fine in the right circumstances and in wrong ones an encumberance,
a bait runner wont stop yer rod flying off with a bolting fish belting away in a strong flow on the odd occasion, butt cups can sometimes have a catapult effect, what i use sometimes is a long bar made flat and bent length ways at 90% holes drilled along its length to take a u shaped rod rest top, these are connected to the bar but upside down;), much more secure than a butt cup
the rod butts must be placed under the rear rests in a position that wont impede you slipping the butt from under the rest, i usually use this at night if i am expecting a long slow night, and shove a chunk of square sponge under the rodd butts....j.w:)
Why do most anglers position there pods/rod rests parallel, to the river? ensure you point in the direction in the pull of your line. Thus promoting a straight pull, not a side ways pull. I mostly fish the Trent and firmly believe IMO, alarms are a must for this river when fishing a 2 rod approach, saying that i see a good 90% of my bites, before an alarm sound. However on smaller rivers, i really cannot see the point. but would never knock anybody for using alarms, it is their choice after all.
I can see the issue and point of snag ears, but good positioning of your equipment and your reel set up correctly, should not see your rod doing a bit of water skiing.
Reading this with interest chaps :)
So whether it be fishing for barbel, carp, cats, et al, (gudgeon :p), sole purpose of snag bars is to prevent you losing your precious sticks in the 'drink'

In terms of application, (whilst remembering we don't all fish the same way...), the relevance of use, is when fishing locked up, (ie, tight clutch, usually with a run rig on, to help drive home the hook. Or, when fishing down the edge at 90 degrees, (or so), again locked up.

That said, if I'm fishing from the boat, they always go on just as an added level of security.

Clearly, if you are sporting the floppy hat, gripping just one length of cane, centre pin affixed, you'll have no need for snag bars ;)

While it has been vaguely interesting, I only wished to know which bloody snag bars people might be using or recommend.;):D Somehow it's ended up in a dissection of fishing methodology with a dash of ethics thrown in.:confused: I didn't realise that there were fishing police or a set of intangible, unwritten rules that I must adhere to. Strangely enough, I don't much care what other people think I should be doing and I don't much care what they do as long as it's legal. Each to their own.:)
There are some rather tarty ones out there that are rather fetching;):D. I had thought to go for single bars, like the Thinking Anglers ones to allow side "strikes" (not really striking but I hope you know what I mean). Do any of the double ear users find that they only allow for vertical striking?
Naturally by design that is the case. Only when you lift the rod above the 'ears' can you strike horizontally.

Some nice shiny tart there fellas.......we like ;)

My MCF ones fit Delks, and the base on my hangers is quite thick also.

Cor Blimey Ian, floppy hat and a cane in hand sounds like my old P.E teacher when i went to school:eek: god that used to sting:eek:...j.w