Rob Mitchell
Senior Member
I'm new to barbel fishing, but that's why I don't wear camo clothing, use two rods, or own a Delkim Txi-D V2 Presentation set (yours for only £579.99)...and I often HOLD my rod while waiting for bites (something a true carper wouldn't be seen dead doing).
I vote we continue the carper-bashing (a welcome respite from bashing the water companies) and don't succumb to their grubby habits.
I go Carp fishing and I also own 5 delkim TXI-D’s (I take my kids as well). But guess what? I also go roving my local river with one rod, a bucket, mat and seat. I go to a local pond and fish the lift method for Tench. Last time I went to a day ticket Trent spot for the weekend (Bobs Island), I had 7 different species including double figure Barbel, double figure Pike, near 2lb Perch caught right under my feet, all sorts trotting a stick float etc..
But, most of the time I’ll be using 2 rods ‘carbelling’ on my Trent syndicate. That’s ok though, I’m out of the way of ‘real’ Barbel anglers who no doubt are far superior to me in both their catches and their attitudes to other forms of fishing.