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Normark float rod buyers guide

I hope it's a Microlight. If not, my interest is diminishing before they are even in the shops.
microlite? Chris the middle and but sections have everything yet to go.

Theres the joint of the tip section
I’ve got a pretty good idea of what he’s hooked into as well now that I’ve clocked the location.
I’m sure others will spot it and know exactly where that is.
I’ve got a pretty good idea of what he’s hooked into as well now that I’ve clocked the location.
I’m sure others will spot it and know exactly where that is.
Surprised you didn't clock it straight away....
That looks like a very strange angle to hold the rod at. It's kinda asking to break it!
Ive stood there before and trotted that line over to those tins and there is a very easy way to avoid what he’s doing there and that’s as soon as you hit the fish you start walking back towards the bank and guide the fish straight across that fast shallow glide into a much slower flowing pool behind. It’s much less strenuous on the tackle than pulling it through that flow.

Just behind him it’s all slack water and you can comfortably play them straight to your hand.