That's quite a difficult one for me to answer Richard because I do like them both.
I suppose if I could only keep one of them it would have to be the accy speci rod.
My reasons for that decision would be the obvious weight difference, but also the general feel of the rod in my hand. I wouldn't say the 13ft Harrell RSPF is unweildy (although I think the 14 footer is somewhat unweildy) but if I hold the accy speci in my hand and then pick up the 13ft RSPF rod, the rspf does feel unweildy in comparison. I know i've just contradicted myself, but, for me the accy rod just makes the RSPF rod feel a little unweildy in comparison. Also, even though the rspf rod does have a nice stiff lower and mid section it feels slower on the stike.
I think the speci rod may have a stiffer tip section, so that combined with the weight difference may be the reason it feels faster?
Be great if the accy rod had that fancy reel holder and shaped handle on the RSPF rod woudn't it!
Although, after saying that I still like the fuji on the speci rod.
I would say, I am very happy to have them both, i'm quite positive it won't be long before you have the 14ft RSPF and the trio of drennan speci rods
