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Lockdown returns...

It is the case with everything really, so distant are the issues to most, that until they actually affect you it's like 'wtf, I don't care!' Modern culture really!
i wouldn’t call having covid in the country for the past 8 months distant ... unless you have been in a coma for the last year
Having bought some excellent maggots for grayling trotting I've now got over a pint left. Can I give them to the garden bird

I bought a couple of pints of maggots (online) just for that! Maybe bird food or just tip the lot in off the bridge?

Bag them up airtight, wrap them up in something to prevent freezer burn and freeze them. Dead maggots make an excellent groundbait addition 👍
Sad state of affairs, but will just have to get on with it.

Not sure I really understand the 'if I can go to work, then why can't I fish' mentality. They are trying to minimise social contact across the board, the government knows the risks that people will face continuing to work and shop for essentials. But, these are necessary, fishing is not.

Also, due to the nature of river fishing, many of us are fortunate to fish in isolated spots with a large amount of space. However, this cannot be said for those who fish some well attended commercial venues. And obviously you need one rule for everyone.
The clue was in the .gov wording ie: recreation and leisure, that stopped angling this time round sadly.
That simple phase put angling in the same category as golf & tennis etc which were not permitted under previous rules.
They got to much flack last time, maybe rightfully so. A friend of mine plays golf and he did argue that playing golf for him was a solitary experience as he spends most of his time in the bunkers 😂
On our local public golf course they removed flags and filled in the holes yesterday. The car park and the clubhouse were barred and bolted.

But there were golfers there still, chipping towards the green, and putting to an imaginary hole.

You couldn't make it up :rolleyes:
It appears they may be re thinking their decision......

Doubtful, I saw the conservative mp ask Boris in parliament today why people couldn't sit on a river bank fishing, reply was that they have had no choice than to do what they have as the situation is so serious. I hope they do rethink it but I don't think fishing will high on their agenda.
Hi men ,

Just for a min I will play devils advocate , we judge the situation based on mainly barbel fishing , and the fact we mainly fish alone . The truth was far far from that after it was eased the first time, I did the local area thing , it was rammed on every lake I visited , the canals were busy . The local dayticket carp lake had more on it with every swim taken , all had driven there , all had opened and shut 2 gates , let alone handing over cash to the bailiff etc . Yes I might nip down the canal for the last hour for a perch session , unfortunately many won't be able to resist more than that . The saying the the virus don't move , we move it should be the first thing we think before going out for anything .
And I'm working in a big factory right through , and can use the " I work with hundreds of others" etc as an argument , but as I say , devils advocate

Hi mark
I agree when you say venues were rammed, my eldest son suffers from a mental illness he came back home in nov 2019
Mental health provisions have suffered greatly since the pandemic and it’s been hard.
He spent two weeks in hospital in June 2020 with bacterial pneumonia mostly in icu
On his release and when he was feeling better I brought a day license for him (he doesn’t fish)
And took him to our local day ticket lakes nice sunny day, a bit of fresh air I thought, do him good. we arrived it was packed solid we did find a spot and enjoyed a couple of hrs in the sun and he managed to catch a few
But after a couple of hrs and on reflection we decided to head home, just to many people in close proximity.
With so many being furloughed, fishing has been away to get out, entertain the kids and generally fill the day.
For both anglers and newbies alike and who am I to say they can’t go!
I love fishing but Iam glad it’s been suspended again,it just means i can make plans for new adventures to come once we’ve all had the jab and a semi sort of normality returns, fingers crossed sometime in 2021
Best regards to you all.
This is a blanket ban on Angling without any regard in utilising the huge benefits that Angling brings. Of course limiting numbers to commercial fisheries would be the answer, and if that was not possible then they cannot open.
I see no problems with allowing the rivers to be available, we all understand social distancing, its what we do anyway.
The statements with regard to Angling is never clear when lockdowns are announced, we always need clarity, and when the question is asked its always a blanket ban.
Shows the contempt there is for anglers and angling in General.
Hi men ,

Neil , you should have seen the fisheries around here , it was packed , and for most days . Shut the lakes and the rivers and canals would be busy , people traveling to get there . There was one day I checked Linear Oxford swim availability , and almost all were full . They then shut night fishing and people were sleeping in the cars at the gate , massive row of them , they over run the local shop most days , it was chaos . You are gambling on people using common sense like us , but Im afraid it's in short supply . It's a short period , in the scheme of things not a big concern .

Accepted the lockdown , planing , and YouTube are my friend 😁 . A couple of trips at least to France next year booked , but you can't take that for granted anymore how the situation is as we had 3 trips cancelled last year , and the one we have in April looks very dodgy . Going to be exciting driving strait down France with my GB sticker as a target for speed guns 😁.

Hi men ,

And as an example , as I posted above ⬆️ , iv just had a message to tell me 2 people were found jigging on the local canal , you can't make this up can you .
