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Lake's fish population's fate is SEALED!

Any further sightings of this seal? Seeing the thread on the Severn seal and the efforts that are being made to repatriate it with the sea just made me wonder.
I guess you know carp are bred for the table.

Do you think these were Neil?




The guys who found this iligal gill net on the Mersey reported it to the EA who then having decent information went on to find another 4 in the same area. A case for prosecution is being drawn up regarding the other 4 nets.
Do you think these were Neil?




The guys who found this iligal gill net on the Mersey reported it to the EA who then having decent information went on to find another 4 in the same area. A case for prosecution is being drawn up regarding the other 4 nets.

Bad news - but more common than most realise and they'll continue to blame otters, seals and cormorants for emptying a venue overnight. Predators don't do that - Gill nets do. Time to get real chaps.
Andrew, this is good news. All we have to do is phone the EA double quick, for Christ’s sake leave the net in even though it goes against the grain and tell the EA is in and killing fish, most important get an incident number then get out of it and let them do their job. This incident proves beyond all doubt the EA will act if we give information.
Distressing pictures indeed and absolute proof (if any were needed) that this is the work of EE's as it is a fact that they are known to favour gill nets with green cord. The locals around the Mersey are among the most law abiding in the land so it could not possibly be them......the EA are ware of these facts and have stated that arrests are imminent....
Andrew, this is good news.
Agreed, in the sense that the EA responded, removed and will hopefully prosecute those involved. Bad news that the nets were there in the first place. Aswell as the nets i've come across gangs of roving rod and line poachers who have been quite happy to tell me what they catch will end up on Bolton market.
I thought this may happen. A thread about something that depletes fish stocks and three pages of whinging about why does the EA, AT, my MP in short everyone else do something about the decline of my sport. I post about someone actually getting of his bum and doing something and the thread dies. Speaks volumes really doesn’t it.
You are obviously a thread killer and should think on before posting in future:D

Seriously though, the EA not doing their job is obviously going to spark more 'debate' (ahem) than the EA actually doing their job. Althogh one is signicantly more suprising.
Ash there is no debate at all. I see posts on here and other fishing forums where week in week out ad nauseum guys moan and whinge about EA inaction regarding the EE, Koreans, Poles ,Lithuanians, scousers and even people from the home counties wot talk proper, they saw last week with a black binbag full of fish. If you were to PM them and ask them for the incident number that is automatically allocated to any report they aint got one.
That either means I could not be bothered to lift the phone caus I am a bone idle lazy sod or there was a bone idle lazy sod on the other end of the phone who didn’t want to go to the effort of tapping a keyboard so didn’t give you the all-important number that meant it’s now a reported incident. If it’s reported to the guys who investigate they will do their job.
Back to the two options, the first one is nearly always the case. I recon less than one per cent of anglers will, the rest just don’t give a .......

Richard , you are correct it is a simple process , BUT - I have reported illegal / out of season fishing at least half a dozen times to the EA , they took all my info , said they would '' look in to it '' and that was the last I heard , they didn't show up either .... However report a pollution incident and the EA , from my experience respond very quickly . They arrived within 30 mins of my report , and provided unprompted and comprehensive feedback afterwards . I think it's down to priorities and resourcing