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HNV baits for Barbel.

I've just tried eating a spam sandwich and then a Squid and Octopus Boilie sandwich. In comparison, the Spam sandwich was the better of the two!
Clearly not enough dairy in the squid & octopus, try a glass of milk with it next time.
If I am using boilies, I throw down the Gauntlett to the fish by heavily prebaiting. However, I find modern spam quite Lush, and it works well. The garlick variety in particular would Turn bulls heads, let alone barbel.

Oh lordy, that's terrible...you see what happens when the big guns come out to play? They bring the worst out in me :D

If I am using boilies, I throw down the Gauntlett to the fish by heavily prebaiting. However, I find modern spam quite Lush, and it works well. The garlick variety in particular would Turn bulls heads, let alone barbel.

Oh lordy, that's terrible...you see what happens when the big guns come out to play? They bring the worst out in me :D


Deary me :D I don't know how you quantify a 'Big gun' David me old cheese, but i can confidently say that Turnbull and me aint it !!
No 'k' in Garlic by the way ;)
Gawd Mr.Lush, how the hell did I manage that :D More to the point, why isn't my spell checker as observant as you :p

As far as big guns goes, you paint some stunning pictures with your camera, and master Turnbull does the same with his artists brush, and you are both very talented anglers as well. That pretty well covers it for me. In fact, I would go as far as to say that from the perspective of a very mediocre angler who can't work out how the hell his wretched camera works, it actually amounts to downright greed :D:D

Cheers, Dave.
Mr. Grant's articles....

Many thanks for those two links, Paul; very, very interesting reading and succinct details from Ian-the-maestro-Grant.
The amazing thing about spam/meat is that, to my knowledge, generally speaking, anglers don't really pre-bait with it particularly or offer much in the way of freebies. Well, not when compared to other baits, like boilies for example. In fact, it surprises me that barbel don't run a mile when they encounter a lump of meat. They must mainly find that consuming it typically results in an "episode".
The amazing thing about spam/meat is that, to my knowledge, generally speaking, anglers don't really pre-bait with it particularly or offer much in the way of freebies. Well, not when compared to other baits, like boilies for example. In fact, it surprises me that barbel don't run a mile when they encounter a lump of meat. They must mainly find that consuming it typically results in an "episode".

Often thought the same when dead baiting for pike Howard.

As for meat,..isn't that why it's known as 'ye olde pink inevitable '...
howard mate, they do run at the sight of the pink peril but we just dont see it most of the time but if the waters impossible to see through thats the time to use it:)
howard mate, they do run at the sight of the pink peril but we just dont see it most of the time but if the waters impossible to see through thats the time to use it:)

Not sure about what makes them wary about meat or any bait that might spell danger. Is it colour or smell and can barbel see colour? Of course thier taste receptors would evoke an alert, so changing the shape of the meat from a cube seemed to help me, but did it actually make a difference? Who knows, certainly the barbel are not telling.
Perhaps if we are fishing for larger solitary fish there is no competitive feeding so then the barbel can be more discerning.
I get the impression that some of us get a bit sniffy about the use of meat, but it is the most successful of all baits. But to label meat as not healthy for barbel is for me wrong, for it is fished as a single bait on the hook mainly, so hardly a problem. The same cannot be said of boilies or pellet.
My understanding of the HNV theory is very vague, a bit like that of barbel fishing. Come on Fred, get those memoirs up on here!
Come on now Fred a signed copy for me also please.....