That wooden construction must be a hide then for the 'Twitchers', the rubbish I saw was very much builders rubbish, looked like a bad case of fly tipping, but anyway it's gone now.
Yep I have seen the flowers etc, in fact I was passing back in the summer and the relatives were there putting the vases out, Itried to communicate with them but they did not understand English. I thought there was a fatality, but diddn't see any new reports..Did you?
Ahh the Island, now a syndicate

But at least we will have more swims to go at
Hi Neil did not see any news reports as to the man that died . I was told by some one on the river bank what had happend .
As for the syndicate . I think you will find is do not exsist . That sign which had been placed on a branch of tree as since been taken down .
Just before the start of the season . I was in the Baa car park on the hill .
When two young lads turned up with spades and dissapeared of down the hill towards river and wondered what they were up .
Once the season had started and on many occasions when I was fishing , these two lads would would turn up and dissapear on to the Island . I got talking to them once or twice and they told me they had some decent fish from there . Being the nosy person I am one day I had a look and found four swims had been dug and a notice had been placed on a piece of paper . Saying synicate water . Members only . The notice has since been removed . Who took it down , At a guess I would say the landowner . Also the two lads that were fishing it have no longer been seen . So at a guess I think they have been caught on there and kicked of