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Has barbel fishing been harder this year?

Has barbel fishing been harder this year?

  • Dunno mate - I've had my best season ever!

    Votes: 34 29.3%
  • Its not been much worse or better than previous few seasons.

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • Yes - barbel fishing has been harder and slower than previous seasons. I'm beginning to hate them.

    Votes: 27 23.3%

  • Total voters
I only fish the Lower Thames,and being retired,can fish as often as money for diesel permits.If I blank from now to late December,then I won't have seen a barbel for 2 years:(.Lately have concentrated on perch and pike fishing,as to be honest I feel that I'm "flogging a dead horse" in targetting barbel.When/if we get any proper rain to get some flow,then hopefully the Lower might switch on,for me at least.But hey,that's fishing.No-one said it was going to be easy,just a bit easier maybe.:D

I only fish the Lower Thames,and being retired,can fish as often as money for diesel permits.If I blank from now to late December,then I won't have seen a barbel for 2 years:(.Lately have concentrated on perch and pike fishing,as to be honest I feel that I'm "flogging a dead horse" in targetting barbel.When/if we get any proper rain to get some flow,then hopefully the Lower might switch on,for me at least.But hey,that's fishing.No-one said it was going to be easy,just a bit easier maybe.:D


Comments like this really put things into perspective for me, when we get multiple catch reports from guys who are lucky enough to live near a productive river or two and compare that to this where obviously Barbel are a rarity and Pete hasn't seen one let alone catch one in two years!!

Pete, it would be a honour to ask you to join me on the Wye, in the Summer and perhaps we can between us wangle out a couple of whiskers.

As far as this season so far it's been a bit down on last season, despite a new PB yesterday, the Teme and the Severn have been poor for me, but l am not complaining, because with every blank you are closer to catching:eek:
Can we have some more reaction/comments from Thames tribs anglers please.
Looks like I might have been wrong on these few rivers. :p
But I know I'm right on the others. :p
in a similar vein to the above post, i would be interested in how other yorkshire barbel anglers have been doing? is it just me or are we all having a bad year???
cheers all, leon
in a similar vein to the above post, i would be interested in how other yorkshire barbel anglers have been doing? is it just me or are we all having a bad year???
cheers all, leon

Had a fair year on the Yorkshire Derwent, catching barbel almost every time out though the majority were in the 3-5lb bracket. Better catch rate than last two or three years but average size smaller.

Nidd, had barbel out about 2/3rds of the time, better than last year, but tended to fish same reliable swims this year.

Couldn't get to grips with the Yorkshire Ouse this year but only had a handful of sessions on new stretches. Putting that one down to experience and will probably go back to known stretches next year.

Didn't get on the Swale this year but a regular fishing partner who fished it a lot says he struggled when compared to previous couple of years.
For about the last twenty years I have fished a particular stretch of the the W/Avon and it was easy to catch 20/30lb of chubb . Then about 9 years ago fishing the same stretch of river. I took a mate along with me and he introduced me to the joys of Barbel fishing . I watched as he pulled out barbel after barbel . All together he had 10 fish out all up to about 8 to 9lb . After watching him I went and bought some barbel tackle and fished the same stretch and caught loads of barbel up to 8 to 9lbs . Could never get a double . Those were the days , then in 1999 to 2001 the Worcestershire wild life trust decided to build The Gwen Finch wetland nature reserve in a field next to the river and Otters were introduced and as the years went by the number of barbel being caught slowly decreased. Even the chubb seem to disappear . Then the floods of July 2007 it was a struggle to catch a single barbel . This season I have fished it many times and have caught the odd fish and blanked more than I have caught . They are in the process of building another reserve about 3 fields up from the original one.It seems that some rivers are doing better than others . It seems the smaller rivers are suffering more than the larger ones . What the future holds we will have to wait and see


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Only got back into fishing just over a year ago, blanked consistently on the Kennet last season but have struck a rich vein this year, 42 fish from around 16 sessions, 9 were doubles. Then we come to the Upper Thames, no joy last, nought this despite ridiculous work, remain to be convinced theres any left
Can we have some more reaction/comments from Thames tribs anglers please.
Looks like I might have been wrong on these few rivers. :p
But I know I'm right on the others. :p

Over the last three seasons I have fished three of the Thames tribs, but mostly the Loddon.

I'm not an experienced barbel angler, However, over each of the last three seasons I have fished more often for barbel and results have improved greatly on some rivers, but not on others.
I've trebled my tally of barbel this year, mostly because i've put in the time, concentrated on one stretch, found the features and listened to the experienced anglers who know how to fish them.
I know the river i've struggled on is fishing pretty well on other stretches, just not the stretch i fish, so i'm not too worried.
For about the last twenty years I have fished a particular stretch of the the W/Avon and it was easy to catch 20/30lb of chubb . Then about 9 years ago fishing the same stretch of river. I took a mate along with me and he introduced me to the joys of Barbel fishing . I watched as he pulled out barbel after barbel . All together he had 10 fish out all up to about 8 to 9lb . After watching him I went and bought some barbel tackle and fished the same stretch and caught loads of barbel up to 8 to 9lbs . Could never get a double . Those were the days , then in 1999 to 2001 the Worcestershire wild life trust decided to build The Gwen Finch wetland nature reserve in a field next to the river and Otters were introduced and as the years went by the number of barbel being caught slowly decreased. Even the chubb seem to disappear . Then the floods of July 2007 it was a struggle to catch a single barbel . This season I have fished it many times and have caught the odd fish and blanked more than I have caught . They are in the process of building another reserve about 3 fields up from the original one.It seems that some rivers are doing better than others . It seems the smaller rivers are suffering more than the larger ones . What the future holds we will have to wait and see

Hi Joe
Yep I walked the dogs at the back the other week and saw the new wetland, and it is extensive. I too fish this area regulary and have seen Otter, but also a large number of two legged preds with a foreign call!!!

Also noticed a huge amount of rubbish dumped around the back recently which was removed, and add to that the favour given to our Kyaking friends who can spash around on the gravels all year round. Further the EA have added a Kyak Portage Path to help them too..c/w with signs, is it any wonder the fishing has dipped?

But we have most certainly met, and have had a moan at times I would have thought, and both would have done the ''Walk of Shame'' a few times:p
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Only got back into fishing just over a year ago, blanked consistently on the Kennet last season but have struck a rich vein this year, 42 fish from around 16 sessions, 9 were doubles.

Stewart, I find I can also blank with alarming consistency on the Kennet! Glad you seem to have got to grips with it.
I have done OK on the W Avon, better than last year but still find it's very hard work. A similar thread to this would have been interesting in 2008 as the floods of 2007, for whatever reason, appear to have had the biggest negative impact of all on barbel fishing.
Now is the time to find out how good your fishing is. Temps up, no frosts, cloud cover, westerly and south westerly winds, and the dreaded Himalayan Balsam has died back.
In answer to the question I spent the summer wondering if there were any Barbel left in The Sussex Ouse, had one,and that from the well known hotspot. In the last few weeks I have forgotten how to blank, which is rare for me and the river, have not been near the hotspot. Yesterday went to a stretch that I had previously not caught a Barbel from and had a baby of 5lb+. Loving it while I have it, it is only a teacup full of pesticide from disaster. Make the most
Happy Shaun
in a similar vein to the above post, i would be interested in how other yorkshire barbel anglers have been doing? is it just me or are we all having a bad year???
cheers all, leon

It was so bad this year I nearly took to golf.105 Hours before a Barbel,but when I look at it from a different view,I have generally fished a new section of water and often short afterwork sessions,which due to the current work situation have been more a sit in a deck chair,chuck out a bait and chill out rather than fishing proper.
Dont forget mate that fishing up ere in Yorkshire is different to other places and to catch a Yorkshire fish is an acheivement,I still know of a good number of very skilled anglers who have fished for a long time who have caught few Barbel.
I think we need to remember to set our sights lower and be realistic.
This summer has been frustrating with low and clear rivers for a lot of the time and I know lots of guys in this area have struggled compared to the last few summers when warm floods have helped.
However I am currently having my best Autumn ever (to my standards) and have had 8lb fish from three different rivers in the last month,along with smaller.
Not exceptional on some rivers,but to me I think more realistic for this region.
Dont despair mate,get out this weekend the rain has been warm,the rivers should be brimming (hopefully not over flowing)
Tight lines
Dont forget mate that fishing up ere in Yorkshire is different to other places and to catch a Yorkshire fish is an acheivement,I still know of a good number of very skilled anglers who have fished for a long time who have caught few Barbel.

Can't be that bad in Yorkshire surely? According to this you even have salmon, trout and grayling in your canals...mind you, they don't mention barbel :D:D:D


Cheers, Dave.
Nice one.We have some of the cheapest Salmon fishing in europe,but dont tell anybody and if any one asks the Otters and seals have eaten them all.

theres your ansewer there is no Barbel in Yorkshire just 'big Gudgeon'
thanks ken,
i won't be giving up! just wondered if everyone else was having a difficult year. as i've had 3 trips to the trent for 8 fish, 1 to the wye for 5 fish and around 12 trips to the nidd for 1 small barbel and 5 trips to the swale, also for 1 barbel, 3 or 4 trips to the wharfe for no barbel. and work means i won't be able to get out this weekend, not happy!!!
From what I gather nearly everyone has had a relatively poor season on the Wharfe and particularly the Ouse. Much better on other yorkshire rivers (excepting Ken on the derwent!)
Not had a bad season so far although not had any large numbers of Barbel, but have had 5 doubles this season, biggest at 12lb 10oz & also a 7lb 4oz chub..:)
Hi Joe
Yep I walked the dogs at the back the other week and saw the new wetland, and it is extensive. I too fish this area regulary and have seen Otter, but also a large number of two legged preds with a foreign call!!!

Also noticed a huge amount of rubbish dumped around the back recently which was removed, and add to that the favour given to our Kyaking friends who can spash around on the gravels all year round. Further the EA have added a Kyak Portage Path to help them too..c/w with signs, is it any wonder the fishing has dipped?

But we have most certainly met, and have had a moan at times I would have thought, and both would have done the ''Walk of Shame'' a few times:p

Hi Neil yes I would guess we have met and chatted and had a moan on more than one occasion . I dont know where your point of entry is from . In case your are not aware the bridge over the brook has been damaged by the contractors and you cant drive your car over it .The rubbish you mention is coming from old reserve . I have seen a JCB loading the rubbish in two large dumper trucks . They come over the bridge and up along the side of the brook.I dont know if you have seen it , A large wooden cabin on stilts has been erected near to the site of the new reserve . I find it odd with the Kyake portage path they have built on the island .
I have been told by many people the island was a nature reserve and seen over the years seen many people kicked of there who were fishing . I dont know if you have seen the flowers and the candles by the bridge that go's across the weir . It seems that a Lithuain gentelman in the summer took it upon him self to dive of the bridge for a swim and if my info is correct it took two days to find and recover the body .
Like you Neil I have Done the '' Walk of Shame'' many times
I voted for no change, although as I have posted many times the summer months on the Upper Trent were dire due to abnormal weed.
A change to the Severn around Bridgnorth produced plenty of barbel altough nothing big, best around 7lb. Ended up barbel wise with my most productive season.
A move back to the Trent produced my best fish of the season 9-14. First time for around 6/7 years I haven't had a couple of doubles out.

It appears it has varied from venue to venue according to weather conditions and water levels. As is to be expected.

Hi Neil yes I would guess we have met and chatted and had a moan on more than one occasion . I dont know where your point of entry is from . In case your are not aware the bridge over the brook has been damaged by the contractors and you cant drive your car over it .The rubbish you mention is coming from old reserve . I have seen a JCB loading the rubbish in two large dumper trucks . They come over the bridge and up along the side of the brook.I dont know if you have seen it , A large wooden cabin on stilts has been erected near to the site of the new reserve . I find it odd with the Kyake portage path they have built on the island .
I have been told by many people the island was a nature reserve and seen over the years seen many people kicked of there who were fishing . I dont know if you have seen the flowers and the candles by the bridge that go's across the weir . It seems that a Lithuain gentelman in the summer took it upon him self to dive of the bridge for a swim and if my info is correct it took two days to find and recover the body .
Like you Neil I have Done the '' Walk of Shame'' many times

That wooden construction must be a hide then for the 'Twitchers', the rubbish I saw was very much builders rubbish, looked like a bad case of fly tipping, but anyway it's gone now.
Yep I have seen the flowers etc, in fact I was passing back in the summer and the relatives were there putting the vases out, Itried to communicate with them but they did not understand English. I thought there was a fatality, but diddn't see any new reports..Did you?
Ahh the Island, now a syndicate:mad:But at least we will have more swims to go at:p