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For those who use bite alarms

Wayne Glossop

Senior Member
Hi just a thread to keep it busy lol. what alarms do you all use and what's the reasons of your choice?
Delks, because they'll register a knock that the roller types often won't.
Delkim TXI's again, reciever kept in my jacket pocket on low volume, so I dont have to broadcast to the next angler, unlike others who you can here 400yds away.
Hi men,

Delkims , best alarm for any fishing where alarms are used , but specifically on rivers . Baitrunners when taking your eye off the rod.

Thanks for the replys. I use atts with long snag ears to avoid rod disappearing with them vicious wrap rounds. They are small lightweight and simple never had a problem yet!!
I use my eyes , although as age and creeping senility advance I can see an alarm of some description may be an inevitability ....
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