Paul Boote
No Longer a Member
Yes, from the haute monde to hemp in only a generation or so.
It was all so very different - Iver and the surrounding area - and rather grand (Royalty - the Kents - and the several other great estates and mansions) and racy (Sid James living in Iver Village, my parents often drinking with him and the entire Carry On films cast in The Swan at Iver - or in The Black Horse at Fulmer, with a little, early 1960s me either in the car with a Coke and a packet of crisps or brought into the dining room to eat if they were eating...).
Check out a book by John Harris, a local lad (born in 1931 or thereabouts), No Voice from the Hall: Early Memories of a Country House Snooper, about the area when he was a kid. I know a lovely old fella, quite a bit older than Harris, in Hillingdon, who worked in service at Huntsmoor Park, eventually becoming a gardener. The place was demolished in the 1930s.
It was all so very different - Iver and the surrounding area - and rather grand (Royalty - the Kents - and the several other great estates and mansions) and racy (Sid James living in Iver Village, my parents often drinking with him and the entire Carry On films cast in The Swan at Iver - or in The Black Horse at Fulmer, with a little, early 1960s me either in the car with a Coke and a packet of crisps or brought into the dining room to eat if they were eating...).
Check out a book by John Harris, a local lad (born in 1931 or thereabouts), No Voice from the Hall: Early Memories of a Country House Snooper, about the area when he was a kid. I know a lovely old fella, quite a bit older than Harris, in Hillingdon, who worked in service at Huntsmoor Park, eventually becoming a gardener. The place was demolished in the 1930s.
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