I have never been challenged by an EA bailiff, but have been regularly challenged by my club bailiffs, including at the most far flung waters that they have (and long may that continue). However, the latter never ask to see my licence, only my membership card. On many occasions, (and more so in recent years) I have witnessed people being thrown off club waters for not being a member (hurrah). BUT do they have a valid licence as well? Probably not. It seems to me that the EA could, reasonably easily, collaborate more effectively with clubs in order to target resources more effectively by linking club membership to licences. For example if clubs were only able to accept new/renewal memberships/day tickets upon presentation of a valid licence (or even paying for the licence at the point of sale of the club membership/day ticket), both club membership and licences could be checked by jointly approved bailiffs. Those fishing without a membership card have the option on the bank of paying for an annual membership and licence in cash there and then, or get ejected AND reported for possible licence evasion. If it turns out they do not have a licence then they get the added benefit of a great big fine and an accompanying criminal record. If a percentage value of the fines levied were then directed back to those clubs that actively assist the EA (i.e. those reporting the incidents), then perhaps it becomes a win win position with the EA, clubs and honest members getting something back into the coffers from those committing the offences rather than costing us all money.