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Don't what ever you do

Adrian , this is why we should have our voice heard , its time to question why the closed season is allowed to continue in its current format !
years ago the yorkshire closed season ran from 16/ 02 until 01/06 , nobody argued when it was changed and it had zero impact on fish stocks !
maybe it is time to change !
This rule was introduced to protect fish stocks at a time when people fished for the table and it's high time it was repealed.
These days the only people who fish for the table and are likely to remove spawning fish are those who come from a culture where catch and release is still the norm; and they will be out there doing it anyway; the lack of law abiding anglers on the bank will only make life easier for them.

Yesterday I was catching bream on a river and on Wednesday I will be fishing for bream on a lake......What's the difference? The simple answer is none....... Imo that article by Paul Garner is spot on, nobody else who uses our rivers and their banks gives a hoot about a close season and it's time we saw it for what it is, an outdated archaic rule which instead of protecting fish as it was intended to do actually makes it easier for the lawless minority to take advantage of the lack of anglers on the bank to remove our precious stocks.

Is it our job to tell the E.A that theres proachers on the river during the close season ?

If all commercial stillwater owners where asked to check the anglers for a fishing licence before they brought a day ticket off them ( not just in the close season but all year round ) this would allow the E.A bailiffs to roam the river banks more often ;)