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Dave Mason

What a lovely ending to a very worrying situation this is turning out to be...an ongoing story that an awful lot of people have been following from the start. I have never met you Dave, but you must be a pretty special bloke to have the great friends that have helped you through this trying time...good on you all.

Cheers, Dave.
What a lovely ending to a very worrying situation this is turning out to be...an ongoing story that an awful lot of people have been following from the start. I have never met you Dave, but you must be a pretty special bloke to have the great friends that have helped you through this trying time...good on you all.

Cheers, Dave.
Excellent news mucker. I've not been on river for a while and not kept up to date with things but made up your on the mend. Might even see you on the Severn on The Isle again...;).

Hi Dave

Brilliant post from you mate - so glad to hear your recovering - my dad had a very heavy stroke some 9 yrs ago - cannot walk or even stand now - so glad you can still enjoy that lovely stretch that got me my first barbel after 4 years or trying :D

You know i am only a couple of miles from your home if you need anything mate - don't hesitate to ring/mail me.

Best Wishes mate will see you soon no doubt.
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If this is the same Dave Mason that i spoke to a couple of years ago on the phone, fantasic news and a lovely bloke. If not, fantasic news anyway.

Good Luck mate