Deleted member 36
I'm with you on there being no jutification behind the river closed season and very honestly think that we are just coming to the end of the last one ever.......
If that is the case Ian, this season that is about to start will be my last as a coarse angler, ever...
There seems to be absolutely no logic applied in some arguments.
'Well, I say that they should abolish the close season on rivers because they did on lakes', 'well, I say that they should abolish the close season on rivers because the Eastern Europeans are stealing our fish', 'well, I say that they should abolish the close season because the fish won't suffer'.
Everyone single one of you asking for the abolition must be fishing rivers that are full to the brim with fish?
Let's assume for minute that you're not though - what does a commercial fishery, the driving force behind the move to open lakes year round, have to do with the riverine environment?
How does someone stealing some fish from the river drive you to forget about why it is there is a close season? If you are worried about such matters then logically, policing is the answer. How about asking your local club if you can become a Bailiff so that you might help the situation?
It's clear that rivers up and down the country are in a state where populations of fish are in decline, and this is not exactly a pin the large tail on the small donkey scenario, but I'd gather you're fishing one of them. Do you really, in your right mind, believe that year round fishing will not affect that further?