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Closed season/Spawning

Craig Wood

Senior Member
Hi everyone
Let me first say i was opposed to scapping the close season on rivers but im now beginning to think its a waste of time..With the new season nearly upon us many anglers are saying that barbel and chub have only just started spawning..Ive seen spawning activity about 3 weeks ago on the dorset stour but i have noticed that on another stretch they are still going through the motions..If this is true regarding spawning patterns then the present close season is a complete waste of time as it serves no purpose and as others have stated certain rivers have poaching problems due to no responcible anglers being present...Im also beginning to think due to climate change that its affecting the times fish spawn which again if im right then the current closed season is serving no meaningful purpose..What does everyone else think? and what observations have others noticed regarding spawning activity?
Regards craig.
I know what your saying julian but to be honest even with the closed season wildlife doesent really get a chance to recover due to ramblers,bird watchers,poachers and fly fisherman etc and it certainly doesent help the fish spawning in any way..and even when the undergrowth grows back we anglers and various clubs only cut it back...imo its time for a re-think regarding the closed season on rivers..
I think that in reality there really is not a closed season on rivers because game anglers and the few who claim to be fishing for eels fish it anyway..I myself did use to think the closed season was the right thing but not anymore..Theres no real arguament imo to keep the excisting closed season..Some claim it would affect birds nesting which imo is not the case,you only have to go to some stillwater and see that it doesent affect the birds nesting at all..Theres also the opinion that undergrowth needs time to grow back etc but as ive said all that happens is that what has growed is simply cut back...Im led to believe that the closed season was brought about at a time more people ate fish out of the river,which again is not the case in modern times (except for eastern europeans)..IMO there really is no viable reason for the closed season on our rivers anymore..
regards craig..
Oh come on! A close season debate should traditionally kick off on March 15th and then run for at least six weeks until everybody has got it out of their system and gone carp/tench/fly fishing. Now you want to start one two days before the new season starts!

I think that you are out of order and are flying in the face of BFW etiquette and should be sent to the naughty step at least ten years :D

But you do have a very good point.:rolleyes:
Helping the fish spawning? Helping the nesting birds? Allowing the bankside recovery?

Let's say that all of those points above were in no way a factor in the argument for keeping the close season and that fish were able to successfully spawn year on year in spite of being caught whilst in the motions, birds were not affected by anglers on the banks year round, and bankside recovery would occur regardless of our wishing to see it trampled on at the most sensitive time of the year...

...I'd still argue for the close seaon.

Duality is existence.
The pleasure and pain, the sunshine and rain
The hard and the soft, the weak and the strong
The cold and the hot, to catch, and then not.

June the 16th, catching or not, is a special day. Special for it being the day when we're allowed on the banks to angle once again, and mirrored by March the 15th. Both days that exact two very different emotions form ourselves, but offer a contrast which is very necessary to well-being.
Thanks dave;)..Given the facts damien, what basis would in your opinion be good enough for keeping the closed season?..;)
I'm fifty fifty on the closed season. It's a well intentioned idea that doesn't seem to serve any real purpose. While I don't necessarily want to see it go, the reasons for keeping it look more and more tenuous and the reasons to scrap it look increasingly strong.

It's always been the case that spawning may well not occur in the current closed season for many species. I also wonder if any real damage is done if spawning fish are actually fished for. Every time I've been fishing a water (still or flowing) where a certain species of fish has been spawning, they've been uncatchable and utterly oblivious to any bait. You'd be better off with a big net than baited hook.
I've yet to see a stillwater/stillwater fish unduly affected by having year round angling. I wonder if the rivers would be any different.

Realistically, if the closed season was genuinely going to cover all coarse species then the water would need to be closed from Feb/March (Pike) to Late July into August (many Cyprinids). As it is the closed season seems to be a token gesture.
I love the closed season, it gives me time to do the decorating ,gardening,etc etc what a lovely three months ive had ! Who ever started it must of been a woman!!!!!!!!!!
Totally agree with what chris has just said;)..I think the proof is obvious as you only have to look at the affects of having no closed season on still waters has done...Nothing...It seems a very out dated law the current closed season on rivers which is serving no genuine purpose..;)
How about..from March 15th through to June 16th a new season is put in place by the EA.....Cray Catching..... I'm certain it would help with spawning during early summer!!
50/50 for me too, I'm in favour because I like the break and its then a new season to look forward to instead of being an week in week out thing like I've found carping the past few years. I've enjoyed the last 12 weeks without fishing, its helped me get a lot done out of the way and I'm ready to enjoy it again.

The one thing I would like to know though is whats the difference between fish that spawn in a lake and those that spawn in a river, you can fish for one but not the other, how does this add up it its in a fish's interest :rolleyes:

one things good for one man and not another;)..Its up to yourself how many times you go fishing or not but thats not what im getting at..Im simply saying theres no purpose in keeping the closed season on rivers for the reasons many think its good for, such as wildlife disturbance and fish spawning..As mentioned in the previous comment theres no difference between a stillwater fish and one thats in a river..;)
My opinion is still that a fish is a fish is a fish, there should be consistency either all coarse waters open or all closed. Regarding the bank side vegetation it would have saved me organising work parties over the last couple of weeks, as far as I am aware we didn't disturb any bird life whilst cutting paths over 2 miles of the Avon, only horse flies.
Perhaps we would have been able to keep more poachers off the rivers if there was no close season.

Anyway it doesn't matter as in 28.5 hours we will be able to fish legally, whether the fish are spawning or not!.
The one thing I would like to know though is whats the difference between fish that spawn in a lake and those that spawn in a river, you can fish for one but not the other, how does this add up it its in a fish's interest :rolleyes:

The fact that you can, doesn't mean you should. On enclosed waters you aren't effecting any other club, angler or riparian owner whatever you do. On a river you obviously are. If you set out to catch pre spawning fish and succeed they are not going to spawn, this effects the whole of the river.
The close season is to protect spawning, not for any other reason. There is a close season for trout during their spawning times and a general close season for coarse fish during a period when the majority of them spawn. If you see fish spawning during the open season and target them you may not be breaking the law, but you are certainly going against the traditional ethic of anglers.
Pretty sure that doesn't count for much these days, unfortunately. But at least the close season allows some fish to mange to spawn so we still have a few for the next generation.
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If that were true then pete then what was said before in this topic would count..rivers closed for pike spawning and perch and then later the chub, carp, bream,barbel etc..the river would only be fishable for a few months a year..Im affraid its a poor arguament pete..Fish wont feed anyway whilst mating..and as im sure someone like your goodself will know many fish will still be spawning into july..and in the carps case can spawn up to two times a year,not sure if any other species do this pete..
regards craig
ok craig you've made your point - others will disagree-myself I enjoy the break as an opportunity to fish stillwaters and target species that I don't find in my local rivers.
Pete i dont understand how you can say it goes against angling ethics targetting fish that are spawning after the 16th june..this has been done for more years than myself or you pete have been alive and its done no harm at all..:)
Thats fine geoff,thats your choice but not everyone wants to fish stillwaters and im merely saying how out of date the current closed season rules are..
After all when your fishing these stillwaters are the fish not spawning?;)

I'm with you on there being no jutification behind the river closed season and very honestly think that we are just coming to the end of the last one ever.......

However, as has been said, you have made your point, you are not supposed to ask an open question on a forum and then argue with every answer which does not fit your viewpoint!!!