I must say I was really shocked and disappointed to learn that the pro/con debate on the closed season had been opened yet again. Enforcing a lay-off period is one way we anglers can demonstrate our environmental credentials. Many anglers do not realise that even outsiders to our sport rate angling as a factor beneficial to the general environment. But lifting the current restrictions on rivers would lose us many friends.
Creation of fisheries in turn creates a niche for birds and other wildlife, for example. And a lay-off period, even on still-waters, gives an added impetus to those environmental benefits. Many angling clubs close lakes and other enclosed waters for a month or two in the spring to allow nesting birds to get on with their business undisturbed, for example.
True, there may be a case for varying the lay-off period to suit local conditions or particular species, but in general terms we need a closed season to ensure that fish have a chance to feed properly in the spring run-up to spawning, and also a chance thereafter to spawn undisturbed and to recover a bit from that exhausting process. We are simply refraining from fishing for certain species when they are at their most vulnerable, and – let us be perfectly honest with ourselves about this – when they are most likely to go belly-up. Not to mention when they are in poor condition and hardly worth catching. It would all be – to use a rather old-fashioned, but very appropriate term – unsporting.
I am not interested in ‘scientific evidence’ suggesting that the closed season is a waste of time. Whatever this ‘evidence’ might be, common sense and a feel for fair play tell me that retaining a closed season would be a positive move.
Neither do I take too much notice of the so-called ‘democratic’ argument that many, if not most anglers would be in favour of opening rivers to year-round fishing. To say the least, it is a highly dubious one. I suspect that many of these anglers are unable to get to grips with what I call ‘real’ river fishing, which takes place mainly in the winter. Cold weather (the poor dears…) and rain-swollen rivers tend to put a lot of potential anglers off fishing in the colder months, so they call for rivers to be open all the year round. The most ridiculous suggestion I have come across on this subject was that, if we really must have a closed period on rivers, it should be for three months over the winter, fishing to resume in April, simply to accommodate anglers when it came to the time when they preferred to fish!
Such suggestions show an appalling lack of knowledge of the fish concerned and are – to use what some might consider a harsh term – unethical. In other words, they show consideration for the angler, but not the fish.
In the end, angling is not a science: it is a sport based on reasonable ethics and care for the target species on which we depend for that sport. And we as anglers should demonstrate sportsmanship.
A closed season makes sense: period.