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Chair recommendations

Andy Petryczkowycz

Senior Member
Hi Guys

I'm in need of a new chair that will attach onto a Korum Ruckbag.

The obvious ones to go for are the Korum chairs but I don't think the deluxe fits and the standard weighs 6kg

The light chair is 4.7kg

Just wondered if the Korum chairs are OK or if anyone can recommend anything else to look at that offers adjustable legs or is the light chair the one to go for?
Hi andrew ,i use the korum light weight and it fits perfectly superb bit of kit.
Don't know if it will fit with the bag or not? But I bought a chub lo lite which weighs just over3kg and can't reccommend it enough light weight and comfy after years of dragging round a fox recliner
the Nash Nomad fits it and is v light if you can find one (not easy). The Chub lo-lite may well fit as it is not dissimilar to the Nash Nomad.
Andrew....Chub for me also but the Hi Lite....I've got gammy knees so the extra leg length on the chair makes it a more comfortable option....The Fox Adjusta Chair if you can find one on E Bay will also do a fine job...It's light, very light in fact but the leg system does not allow individal height adjustment on each leg only on each pair !!
Lighter still is the Starbaits Compact - agian - not sure if it fits the ruckbag but you must be carrying a lot of kit to need one of those!

A lightweight chair with a shoulder strap and a small carryall will do your back a lot of good! :)
Hi andrew ,i use the korum light weight and it fits perfectly superb bit of kit.

Same for me.
Fits in most swims no matter how steep the banks are.
Very light and comfortable to carry with ruckbag.
Lots of add ons available. I like the mini side tray.
Only downside with the light weight chair is that the back is not adjustable.
Excellent bit of kit.
fox adjusta level or a copy of it made by prologic.im shocked at a ruckbag for fishing ,im a big lad but the ruckbag is way too big for my river fishing,match a nice light chair with a nice light bag.but both the above do fit a ruckbag perfectly.:)
If you have or have had any lower-back problems, I wouldn't buy any chair until you've sat in it for a reasonable length of time. Here speaketh the voice of experience....and writer of cheques to a physio!
not at all andy just trying help thats all.try nwac for a prologic fox copy.
do what i did take ya ruckbag with you and try all the chairs you can,i settled for the fox adjusta level but they dont make em any more.
the prologic is an exact copy n all for twenty dabs too.:D
got a weblink for that Clive? I can't seem to find anything by prologic that looks like the adjusta chair?
I also use the Ruckbag but have been thinking of swapping it for something smaller.
Has anyone got any reccomendations? How small can you get away with? I can get my gear down to the bare minimum, but I like to carry plenty of water in the summer and a flask in the winter, as well as enough bait for a session.

The Korum lightweight is fine for me. It's surprisingly comfortable to carry with the ruckbag.
Thanks for the advice guys. I went to Carters are tried a few chairs out. I settled on the Korum lightweight one in the end - and it is light (compared to my old chair).
i had a problem with screws that attach to arms, i had to modify.
ok, i would expect better from JRC dave.