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brolly recomendation for roving

I 'm looking for a new brolly for roving for barbel.
it should be as light as possible
It doesn't have to be a huge diameter, 45 inch ribs are more than adequate,
It should also be able to be erected swiftly.
I'm not looking at any particular budget
What can you good people recomend?

Thanks in advance

I 'm looking for a new brolly for roving for barbel.
it should be as light as possible
It doesn't have to be a huge diameter, 45 inch ribs are more than adequate,
It should also be able to be erected swiftly.
I'm not looking at any particular budget
What can you good people recomend?

Thanks in advance
I got this Fortis brolly the other day and took it out yesterday, super light, 30", great if you're doing any pva work. I just take a long bankstick and tape it to it. Its spot on, use waterproof bottoms as your legs will be out but it keeps the bulk of the rain out.


  • IMG_20230724_062317_247.jpg
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I 'm looking for a new brolly for roving for barbel.
it should be as light as possible
It doesn't have to be a huge diameter, 45 inch ribs are more than adequate,
It should also be able to be erected swiftly.
I'm not looking at any particular budget
What can you good people recomend?

Thanks in advance

I can imagine these are quite light.
Sorry I had to.
Sorry but I had to.https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwijsvXhoKmAAxUZ3-0KHb3uDUYYABAcGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2AF6hWCuBPbfEwWKtvI8vla6MsaAVJt9u8Drv9oxeww2GVtXsP4w19SbPz1q5bTYvJcMDapcj2SYz0WPigJfwFVkR9Lw9FIkhpCQ8P3KMM4cOdLCshrTX3430VXPdusbdd__MK4yVZjBjC7s&sig=AOD64_1XRk-t6ot8CriRBz1IaE91CzPLlQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiE-u7hoKmAAxXqTkEAHenuAGoQwg8oAHoECAUQVQ&adurl=