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Bite alarms and bivvy's

Paul Boyle

Senior Member
Hello all
Ive been hearing a few clubs have banned the use of bivvy's on their waters of late even though they do allow night fishing ?.Not sure of the reason.

Whats your views on this subject ? also do you find bite alarms annoying ?and would you like to see them banned from your club.

Whats your views on this subject?

Clubs will always do as a relatively small minority think is best. If driving out certain types of angler from their membership doesn't cause them financial hardship, good luck to them, regardless of whatever else I may think.

also do you find bite alarms annoying?

No, they are inanimate objects. I find some users of them to be inconsiderate *********, quite a different prospect.

and would you like to see them banned from your club.

No, I'd love to see inconsiderate ********* banned wherever they occur, but not inanimate objects.
depends which river , what weathers like , and if you intend on doing more than one night , when I do night session I usually reel the rods in around 1am and get my head til first light
The barbel society used to ban bivvi's on their waters but allowed brolleys with storm sides.
I have no idea what their policy is these days.

Alarms can be annoying but no more so than people who insist on playing a fish on a pin with the ratchet engaged.
depends which river , what weathers like , and if you intend on doing more than one night , when I do night session I usually reel the rods in around 1am and get my head til first light

Get your head till first light Rob....what do you do with it the rest of the time :eek:

Sorry :D

Joking aside I agree with Robert entirely. Unfortunately, bivvies do seem to encourage/attract the type of angler we would all be better off without. they give them a partying base, lager storage area...and something to collapse into and stay dry while they sleep off the excesses of earlier, leaving the rods and fish to look after themselves. And other lovely habits like that. Hence why some clubs, fed up with that type of angler, ban bivvies in an effort to get rid of the real problem. A shame, because as Rob said, they have their legitimate place in angling, in the hands of genuine anglers. Sadly, there is nothing new with decent people being penalised because of the actions of the moronic minority.

Likewise alarms...there is NOTHING wrong with alarms...if they are used sensibly. Purists who insist that there is no place for alarms in barbel angling are entitled to their opinions...just as those who use them sensibly and cause no problem to others are entitled to ignore the narrow minded 'my way is the only way' barbel police amongst us :p :D Again, they are sometimes banned because of irresponsible use by the moronic few.

Cheers, Dave.
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the more true anglers that fish through the night the better, that way the poacher may think twice,about going to theif, but the so called pretend angler can be a pain in the rear,
as mentioned above alarms used in a low tone, i have no problems with
Yes Adrian why do they rub it in:D
Cant seem the fuss .I some times use alarms down the the river:eek: .Lower can be slow at the best of times if it helps with my fishing why not. As I do a lot of nights (eels ) I be lost with out my bivvy but like everything its the people who use the alarm needs to be look at. Having alarms on full does my head in
I don`t have a problem with people using a bivvy if they want i have one and do use it on the odd occasion.
As for bite alarms also have them but don`t use that much and the only thing that gets on my nerves is people who have them on full power and you can hear them a mile away.
I only use my alarms because when its slow I'm prone to having the binos out looking at the wildlife and far bank receiver on vibrate plus set my bait runner so it is one click away from giving line on flow , due to work and health only done 3 overnighters
Bite Alarms

Wouldn't ever be caught in a bivvy but use a bite alarm all the time. It's called my forefinger.:p
Lots of people have been turfed off of some stretches of the Thames this season for using Bivvies too, as the council enforce the no camping byelaws, I've had a long exchange with a warden who tried to move me on for having my Brolly system setup, I rightly argued that as it didn't have a groundsheet it couldn't by law be classed as a Tent, He gave up and left me alone in the end.
I understand why they were doing it in this case as they'd had lots "ready made Carp anglers" causing a neusense for the local residents, lighting fires, heavily drinking and making a racket. That's just end up giving all anglers a bad name as we all get tarred with the same brush. I can only assume some clubs ban bivvies for some of the same reasons? Though i've been in a few that are run by match anglers that simply don't want Carp/Specialist anglers on their waters, but that's a discussion for another day.
Did wonder why nothing appeared on auto correct :eek:
mother always did say fishing wont give you an education
back to the drawing board . . . lol