Sorry Neil,
I had quite forgotten your role as the self-appointed moral arbitor on all things angling.
As it happens I very seldom use a bedchair /brolly when barbel angling, but on the rare occasions I do - and that's usually when travelling over to the Trent for a couple of days (it's a 5.5hr round trip) - it's my concern, not yours.
Some anglers prefer to use them more regularly, again that's their business.
And as it happens I can pack my up my pieer, bedchair and the rest of my gear in less onto my trolly and be moving to a new swims in less than 15 mins - something I do all the time on v.low stock stillwaters I fish predominantly in the spring and summer months.
The great thing about angling is that is what you want it to be. Each to their own I say.
Go fishing and enjoy yourself Neil, stop worrying about what others are up to.