Neil Smart
Senior Member
I have had some discussion on this subject on the BAA website, well as far as discussion I have been subjected to abuse for suggesting that keep nets should be banned for Barbel. The BAA ban keep nets to retain Carp in, and yet Carp can survive low O2, whereas Barbel can suffer Despite asking as to why this should be OK for Barbel and not Carp has created another torrent of abuse and name calling, I imagine there is no credible answer so better to sling insults as to answers.fully understand your point of view but we will have to disagree on the use of keepnets
I appreciate that match keep nets are good and therefore less likely to be a problem, but what about the casual inexperienced angler that retain especially the larger 'specimens', exactly the breeding stock that are gold dust.
I appreciate match anglers need to retain for weigh ins, but surely we could weigh and return Barbel asap after capture?
I have seen just too many belly up Barbel to think we are the architects of our own downfall, doing nothing is not an option if we want to fish for Barbel in the future.