Resin for example could be used as an out? As in Epoxy.
I don't think so, Graham. I don't think rods can be defined as being made of resin. Without the core materials (say, graphite, carbon, glass, cork) there would be no rod. If the exclusions literally excluded items that 'contained' certain materials, then nothing would be allowed.
Exactly! Good luck with it.
Once bitten twice shy n all that.
@Kevin Steele i have used courier insurance before with something completely unrelated to fishing and the process is a nightmare and they will do absolutely everything they can to ensure you don’t have a claim.
Got no chance with a fishing rod.
You didn't elaborate, when asked, how you came to be 'bitten', Richard - losing a lot of money on an irreplaceable rod - so it's impossible to engage with why you were: 'once bitten twice shy n all that'.
I'm not here to convince anyone to use Royal Mail (I've had issues with them too, but have also been compensated, so it's all a question of balance), but there's been the usual misinformation in this thread about what they do and do not accept - not least the length of items - so it might have been be helpful to some to have those myths put to bed.
But having received rods from major retailers in flimsy triangular cardboard boxes, I'm far from convinced that the issues that a lot of people have with (any) couriers are down to the courier and not the sender. So, with respect, it depends on what weight anyone gives to someone's rather vague 'bad experience', rather than Googling the T&Cs and making their own mind up.
Anyway, OP has had his money's worth with this thread.
I'm off to Scotland for a fortnight.