Mike Hodgkiss
Senior Member
Well it's that time of year again , here is an invitation to join this fun event on the Yorkshire Ouse at Newton on Ouse . This is not a fishing match per se but a social event with a prize trophy for the biggest barbel caught on the day plus other sundry rewards for the captor of other species , specifically the longest gudgeon [ bring your rulers ] and the most number of tommy Ruffe [ they have made a massive comeback in the Ouse ].There will also be a prize of a refurbished cane rod [ all my own work ] for the biggest barbel caught on the cane . Once again I am indebted to Newton AC for allowing us exclusive access to their lovely scenic stretch of the river . Meet up at 12 noon , fish 1-7 then retire to the pub for food and drink . Anyone interested either post on this thread or contact me via E mail mike.hodgkiss@googlemail.com. There is a limit of 20 entries on a first come first served basis. Cost to enter £6