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Search results

  1. W

    Touch ledgering

    I've often thought a moving bait would be better. There's a bit of a problem with crayfish on our stretch so meat is pulled off the hook in certain stretches. I have tried rolling meat with no success, I struggle to feel the bait through the swim but I know I need to practice more. I'm hoping...
  2. W

    Touch ledgering

    Thanks Andrew I'll have to try it more, I gave it a go earlier but as I mentioned bites are few and far between so unfortunately didn't put it to the test. I'll try again tomorrow.
  3. W

    Touch ledgering

    I fish a small river with a low stock, it can be tough to get a bite most days. I find it difficult watching a quiver tip for hours without movement so I'm wondering if touch ledgering is the way to go. Can I touch ledger with an avon top and still get the same effect? Any advice is much...
  4. W

    Ss1600 reel

    Thanks, the size looks about the same as a Shimano 4000 👍
  5. W

    Ss1600 reel

    I've handled the SS2600 but how does the 1600 compare in size and performance for small river barbel fishing? My fishing has developed over the years from a 2 rod setup, I now prefer a single rod keeping mobile and often touch ledgering. I see the 1600 is on offer at around £85. I currently...
  6. W

    High end rods

    The Free Spirit Seekers are one that's always been on my mind, and there are so many that love using them which make you believe you will also get on with them. I've definitely learnt a lesson of try before you buy (if possible)!
  7. W

    High end rods

    Sounds like quite the journey Simon. I'd love a custom build and looked at Mark Tunley a few times alongside Dave Lumb who I see is recommended. I might call for a chat soon and see what they say.
  8. W

    High end rods

    I think I'll take the manufacturers blurb with a pinch of salt from now on, although I do normally get a few reviews from users but like I've found out it's all very personal. I think I'll have a bit of a cleanse and sell a few rods, then when the time comes and I've had a hold of a few more I...
  9. W

    High end rods

    Thanks Christian, I'll keep looking, as you said an upgrade is probably out there but it's just finding it. For now I'll start the new season with my Darent Valley rods.
  10. W

    High end rods

    You're right Richard, the action is very personal and I have always read that but only recently experienced it for myself. On paper and from others reviews the second hand rods I have should be perfect, but I just can't get attached to them and go back to the cheap and cheerful. I am still...
  11. W

    High end rods

    So I've just started preparing my tackle ready for next week and in doing this I've also acquired another rod. My rods for the last 3 seasons have been the TackleBox Darent Valley 1.75tc Specialists with 4000OC reels, and these have caught me some very nice fish. They're on the lower end of...
  12. W

    DRENNAN Specialist rod info

    Cheers 👍 I fish the Derbyshire Derwent, some real nice smaller stretches which I enjoy roving. It's been a tough few seasons recently though.
  13. W

    DRENNAN Specialist rod info

    Thanks Neil, I also find it strange that there isn't more information online. It feels like a nice rod and finished nicely with the Fuji reel seat and SiC guides, it's also nice and light compared to my other rods. At £40 I'm hoping I've picked up a bargain but we'll see when the rivers open...
  14. W

    DRENNAN Specialist rod info

    Hi everyone, viewed the forum for a long time but first time poster. I've just picked up a Drennan Specialist Barbel rod 1.75tc, I'm just looking for information on it as I can't find much online. Is it similar to the Martin Bowler rods? I have a Drennan Series 7 avon rod, is it meant to a...