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  1. Scott Emery

    What are your top ten angling books?

    Not sure if it counts as it's fictional but Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea is my favourite.
  2. Scott Emery

    BFW Supporter Donations

    Just joined a few weeks ago so have just made a donation.
  3. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    More good info, thank you Richard.
  4. Scott Emery

    Rod line rating question

    Great, thanks for that Brian.
  5. Scott Emery

    Rod line rating question

    Hi all, I'll be picking up a Drennan Acolyte Specimen rod soon which according to the Drennan website is rated for 3lb to 7lb line. I'll be fishing for chub and barbel that generally go to around the low double mark (all the ones I've caught have been smaller than this though) on a small river...
  6. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Yes, I didn't even know handle diameter was a customisable variable.
  7. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    What determines how many rings everyone choses? It would be for an 11ft rod. I believe the standard is 6 plus tip? What are the advantages of 8 plus tip?
  8. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Great posts everyone. Paul, thanks much for posting the pics, very helpful. As have been all the posts.
  9. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Cheers Andy, good info.
  10. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Thanks Garry, I will have a chat with him.
  11. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Thanks Richard. Those look great. What rings are those? Ring choice is one of the main things I'll want to discuss with the builders. Ideally I'll be looking for some that are a bit higher spec than the ones that come as standard on the off the shelf rods but without going too out of control...
  12. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Cheers guys, appreciate all the good info. Looks like I'll be making a few calls to the various builders!
  13. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Thanks Simon, when you say you preferred the Dark Carbon actions, were you able to handle them beforehand or did you go by his description of them?
  14. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Thanks everyone for your advice. I probably will go with a Vic Gibson custom.
  15. Scott Emery

    Harrison Torrix custom vs factory made

    Hi all, I've decided to get a Torrix 11 ft 1.75 tc and am trying to decide between a ready made (Johnson Ross Tackle) or a custom one. Would there be a noticeable difference in build quality or anything else between the two? If I do go for the custom, I'm considering one of the Vic Gibson ones...
  16. Scott Emery

    Float rod comparison Free Spirit vs Drennan

    Thanks for that John. The results of that test would be very interesting. June 16 feels like years away!
  17. Scott Emery

    Float rod comparison Free Spirit vs Drennan

    Thanks Chris, more good info. Just what I was looking for. Looks like I'll go for the Drennan and save a bit of money too. Bonus.
  18. Scott Emery

    Thames water petition

    Signed 👍
  19. Scott Emery

    Float rod comparison Free Spirit vs Drennan

    Thanks Richard, that's good info. I do prefer a stiffer rod.
  20. Scott Emery

    Float rod comparison Free Spirit vs Drennan

    Hi all, New member here. I'm considering either a Free Spirit High S Special Power float or a Drennan Acolyte Specimen float (both in 15ft). I've read good things about both but is there a very noticeable difference in feel, quality, power etc between the two, considering the price difference...