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Recent content by Nicholas Morrison

  1. N

    Wanted - Daiwa TDX 3012

    £‘s if anyone is looking to relieve themselves of one. Thanks.
  2. N

    Normark repair - help sought

    Thanks Neil - really helpful. I’m keen to get it fishing again.
  3. N

    Normark repair - help sought

    Thanks for this, Neil. Much appreciated. It does indeed have the gold section collars you mention. The rogue spare top section must be a Heath Robinson quiver then, based on your info.
  4. N

    Normark repair - help sought

    No Dave, it wasn’t John.
  5. N

    Normark repair - help sought

    Thanks Richard. The in-laws aren’t far from Grafham so that’s good to know. Yep, the rod has most certainly not been in a display case, but was passed on to me and I fancy getting it back on the bank. I won’t profess to know anything about Normarks but this one comes with with two top...
  6. N

    Normark repair - help sought

    I recently acquired a Normark NMB 156-3. The blank and the spliced tip look in good shape. The same can’t be said of the rings, with a couple missing and a number of others needing re-whipping. There’s also an issue with the reel fixing. The old locking rings remain but without any other...
  7. N

    It’s back !!

    Sorry to flex, but I won a game of Boggle once with the word, ‘marmalade’. Uhm, how long until the rivers open?
  8. N

    Boilies for tench

    I tried a variety of rigs, tactics and baits this season. The most success has come with a relatively simple approach; 2mm krill on a flat method feeder, teamed with 2x8mm drilled halibut pellets hair rigged on a short hook length. Firing some 8mm scalded halibut pellets over the top of this...
  9. N

    Petition to consider signing.

    Done that
  10. N

    Ticket price increase.

    The VAC have got it about right in my opinion; membership is affordable and the expectation is that if you’re physically able you complete a work party each year. If you don’t attend a work party you pay a levy on the next year’s subs. This keeps people connected to their waters in a much more...
  11. N

    Winter Blunderland

    Experienced something similar on Saturday myself (minus the excitement of a good chub 😂)
  12. N


    I live within 4 miles of Hatfield and fish the Lea and Great Ouse on VAC and LAA tickets. If anyone has any info about how to join the Hatfield and District Angling Society I’d be most grateful. Many thanks.
  13. N


  14. N

    BFW Supporter Donations

    Done. Thank you Andy.
  15. N

    Home page picture

    True. Personally though I’d rather see the fish up close than the angler (apologies to some of the super models on the Forum).