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Recent content by Geoff Blakesley

  1. Geoff Blakesley

    Lake Windermere

    Hi Gavin I went piking at Esthwaite a couple of Octobers ago and never had a sniff on deadbait. These big lakes are quite daunting when you turn up and you could spend a lifetime trying to understand them. I stayed in Hawkshead and the b and b had free membership of Windermere, Ambleside and...
  2. Geoff Blakesley

    Winter socks

    Try these from gods own county. I guarantee and can vouch for blissful feet inside muckboots Online or at baa ram ewe - cold bath road Harrogate Bluefaced Leicester Country Sock Collection - Birds / Pheasant Mens - West Yorkshire Spinners, Providers of Bluefaced Leicester, Mohair, and Wool Scarves
  3. Geoff Blakesley

    Otter release in yorkshire

    I have just read my local paper today which marvels at the amazing recovery of the otter on Yorkshire rivers. I was surprised that there was no mention of any release programs that have occurred in the area- or have they ? I would like to reply to their article so would appreciate any...
  4. Geoff Blakesley

    Lightweight waterproof boots?

    I bet only 2 or 3 makers do all these boots anyway!
  5. Geoff Blakesley

    Ousemeisters Barbel Challenge 2014

    Hi mike - not been for a few years but what better way to have my first session on the Ouse this year! Will have a quick beer after then home unless any accommodation offers! p.s keen piker!!!
  6. Geoff Blakesley

    Okuma centrepin question

    Paul I have an okuma Sheffield and have not used it yet for barbel. Can you tell me which swims / methods you use it for and what line you load it with? Any other advice which will help me get the best out of this reel gratefully received.
  7. Geoff Blakesley

    Top 3 most picturesque places to barbel fish.

    Well done Ian! You can also add the Nidd to Brian's list.
  8. Geoff Blakesley

    Hydro power at Topcliffe Weir

    Hi Guys. As some of you may know Leeds DASA have accepted a proposal for an Archemedean Screw to be installed at Topcliffe Weir on the river swale. Many of us are very concerned about the possible effects this may have on the local community and wildlife. We are in the process of raising and...
  9. Geoff Blakesley

    Retirement and fishing, more or less

    I took early retirement from teaching at 57 and the lure of the riverbank rather than 5 or so classes of 30 demanding and often challenging adolescents was very appealing. At first - a year or so - it was rather surreal. I was interested in getting on the bank but then again I could do all the...
  10. Geoff Blakesley

    Whats happened to?

    Was Damien involved in Le Tour ?
  11. Geoff Blakesley

    Cane and Pin

    Maybe you will be making bone hooks to go with your cane rods and pins and hey! why not get some catgut lines - super anal stuff here in my book! but hey whatever floats your boat.
  12. Geoff Blakesley

    Fleece Recommendations

    My best ever fleece and a steal at this price Greys GRXi Fleece – Glasgow Angling Centre
  13. Geoff Blakesley

    Your experience with the first flush of colder water

    Don't think it is cold enough to put em off yet. Up ere if its above 40f you can catch any time of year. Plenty of pics of barbel captures with snow on the ground
  14. Geoff Blakesley

    What is going on!!!!

    how do you join your fluoro and braid robert?
  15. Geoff Blakesley

    What is going on!!!!

    can't beat froghair at 11.5 lb