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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Cheap baitrunners.
      great value reels, I bought mine when they came with two spare spools, they don't come with any now but they're dead cheap to buy
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Cliff Turner's post in the thread Tench 2025 with Like Like.
      With the weather staying mild I just had to have another go today, had a fab day... 5 tench including a new PB of 9.09 and an 8.04.
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Nigel Gray's post in the thread Another tackle shop going with Like Like.
      I was pointed to the existence of this thread by Phil Nixon who suggested I should have a read of it. If I’m honest I pretty much...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Another tackle shop going.
      I bought an acolyte plus on a discount from Fishing Republic. I think there was a bit of a fuss about them doing it after. And it was...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Another tackle shop going.
      The accounts only included the acquisition of two new stores, the others came after the accounts year end.
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Another tackle shop going.
      I would imagine Angling Direct make a loss from their shops. From what I gather half their sales are from the sheds and theyre barely...
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Joe Winstanley's post in the thread Another tackle shop going with Like Like.
      Do AD undercut other tackle shops? I'm not sure they do. They are always seem a little more expensive to me? They do seem to keep very...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Drennan Series 7 Avon/Quiver.
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Richard Isaacs's post in the thread Chasing chub.... with Like Like.
      It’s been a lot of years waiting for this Special day for me. A good 7 on the float and pin. Made up for what was turning out to be a...
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Vince Maddock's post in the thread Barbel Float Rod Blank with Like Like.
      Thanks for the input guys, I've been in touch with Harrisons and Steve Harrison has, very promptly, replied with this (below) which I'm...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Ebay.
      I sold a rod over the weekend, I received the full price + postage and I’ve just transferred it to my bank account. I also went out and...
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Kevin Steele's post in the thread Sending a rod . with Like Like.
      I don't think that's unreasonable. If anyone is lazy/idiotic enough not to package their items properly how can you expect the courier...
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      Dave Quinn reacted to Mike Hodgkiss's post in the thread Sending a rod . with Like Like.
      Yes , a big get out clause that one [ poor packaging ]. Look at couriers T & C's , that exclusion clause for damage compensation is...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Sending a rod ..
      You’re right, they don’t. I think declared value cover meant they paid out only if it was clearly their “fault” rather than insurance...
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      Dave Quinn replied to the thread Sending a rod ..
      Someone, and thank you to them, recommended fedex recently. A bit of work needed to set up an account but they were much cheaper than...
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