• You need to be a registered member of Barbel Fishing World to post on these forums. Some of the forums are hidden from non-members. Please refer to the instructions on the ‘Register’ page for details of how to join the new incarnation of BFW...

Which one do you join?

Nor did I Si, but I did also imply :D

I knew that eye would come in handy sometime.:rolleyes:
Tony Smiths first sentence is good advice.

"I was just trying to get across that there are also angling clubs which are just as keen and knowledgeable as any single species organizations. "


This comment and speaking to Den as changed my mind about you :D its surprising how easy it to judge people the wrong way over the forums :D
Yes tony i have, and yes your right about it happening there also, which is why i left..I am more interested in the overall river eco-system as a whole and more importantly just enjoying my fishing and chilling out for the day and meeting some fellow minded anglers and having a nice chat..:)
Craig, Ever been involved behind the scenes at a local fishing club? It can be far worse than whitehall.

Of course there will be many that are just happy to pay their subs and fish, and thats just fine.

Very true! I was a member of the BS a good few years ago and found membership of that organisation much less hassle and more beneficial than membership of my local club ever was
Dear Jamie,

You asked,

"There is a new barbel group started!
But which one do you join?
which will do most good?
If there was one big group would it make a bigger difference?
I dont know any of the politics surrounding the barbel scene.

But i would like to support this sport/passion i enjoy!
please pm me or tell me your views!!"

From a personal perspective based on personal experience it does not matter how many barbel groups there are. Simply because those that are already established serve the requirements of those members in each group reasonably well. This new group will no doubt be of a similar nature serving its membership well. Its a matter of you pays your money and takes your choice.

By doing good do you mean good for the watery environment such as working on conservation issues that benefit the barbel habitat for instance? Or do you mean "doing good" by say simply joining the Angling Trust, paying them your subs and trusting them to represent your interests? Again its a matter of pay your money and make your choice as I can see all the various barbel groups being involved in these arenas in some shape or form. There is no doubt that "ALL" the barbel groups mean well and "ALL" those concerned either running them in officer roles or mere grass roots members care passionately for rivers and the fish they fish for.

So that simply begs your question of "If there was one big group would it make a bigger difference"?

Absolutely. But trawl back over various posts made on this site over many years and you'll soon see that "unity" in its simple form is nigh on impossible within the barbel fishing world. Also nigh on impossible in the wider UK angling world as well. Yes there are rumblings from the Angling Trust junglings from time to time about "unity" but I have yet to see it.

Go fishing and enjoy would be my advice. Watch the sun rise at the break of day then marvel as it sets in a sea of flames. And hopefully somewhere in between catch the fish in your dreams.




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...or do none of the above Jamie and take up proper fishing, for chub ;)

The CSG, still going strong(er than ever) after almost 40 years.

Two sell-out books published, 'Chub' & 'Chevin' with possibly a 3rd and 4th in the pipe-line. (actually Ive just joined the AoBF)

Good to see you posting Lee. As usual reliably correct :)

Took your advice and joined the SPAC, eventually. Even had a few fish ;)

Intersting post on BFW HERE earlier in the year Lee, would be intersted in what you think, or has its time gone?
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I must say I think some clubs make a lot of difference and I suspect all clubs try!

I would say that as I do quite a bit for my club The V.A.C (Tony posted up a link, Thanks Tony, I won't post up another as I don't want to upset Andy), in general effort = reward, we put in a huge amount of effort and sometimes we get a just reward, sometimes we don't, but we put in the effort anyway to try and make a difference both for our members and for the environment.

We try lots of things to encourage angling, from talking Martin Bowler into doing a talk for us, to wading about neck deep in rivers to plant habitat, some of our projects are in partnership with The EA but most we fund ourselves.
Some of these projects will produce benefits now, but for some we take the long view, I expect I may never see any benefit from these but the next generation of anglers will.
I see it as my payment for the efforts some of our club members made 20 years ago so that I could experience better fishing, paying back the last generation by providing for the next.

Our rivers are under pressure from all angles and as the population of the UK grows this pressure will increase, The EA say they are the guardians of our environment, but the real guardians of our rivers are you, me and every other angler out there, we are the ones that can make a difference, whether as single species interest groups or as club members it is important that we try, but it is more important that we DO!

Thanks for the Thanks :D I put the link up not to spam (Andy) but just to illustrate what angling clubs do.

Also Keith I'm the one of those who's always moaning on our forum under my user-name but do sign off with my real name :)

My experience of Verulam is excellent. They are without doubt the best club I have ever come across in terms of organisation, facilities and sense of community. I will be joining in the next few weeks, bit short of dosh due to vehicular expenses.
I thought I knew who you are Tony!

I don't mind a bit of moaning, we get quite a few who tell us what we do right, not so many tell us what we do not do so well and all comments are welcome, to any club, feedback is vital so you keep it up mate, its the only way we can make the improvements needed.

Thanks and Tight Lines.
A bridge we can all cross.

Hi John,

Hope you and yours are well.

Yes I remember Tims thread and supported his opinion that the specialist angling world would benefit from having its own umbrella organisation again "hopefully" based upon our actual love of fishing rather than being top heavy with political aspirations. Much like the old NASA was before everything merged into a sea of political mud which in my opinion never did the pure fishing side of specialist angling much good in the long term.

Am I still up for the idea John? Yes I am and I think that perhaps now, more than in the last few years, specialist angling might just be ready for it. Talking to a lot of specialist anglers like I do its glaring that a lot of single species anglers fish for more than just one species now a days so tend to see and appreciate the whole specialist picture. I feel it is also fair to say that the specialist anglers of today are actually a lot more skilled at catching big fish consistently akin to we were in our day when we were much younger. The knowledge a lot of these anglers have now is mind blowing. I also think that many anglers yearn for something of "quality", a stable house they can lean their rods against when coming together for a chat. The creation of the lads new barbel group certainly highlights there are those ready and willing to create something new, ready and willing also to put their backs against the wheel in order to make it work. And rather than criticising that we should all be saluting it because theirs is the spirit of old, a spirit responsible for the birth of our specialist sport.

The specialist angling movement can be rightly proud of what it has managed to achieve in terms of fish welfare and the welfare of the fishes habitat. Most of it built way before the politicos scaled our walls. Salute the single species groups and individuals simply because they have traditionally formed the framework of our great sport. But look at the bigger picture and the stark reality we remain a collection of great groups and great individuals split into factions, tribes and small clusters. Together as members of one lodge, a "pure fishing" lodge, we could be so much more.

Good luck to this new barbel group I say and all aboard it who are trying to make a difference. But let us also not forget the other barbel groups either because they also make a difference and without them all, the sport of barbel fishing would be a poorer place. As anglers, barbel or otherwise, do we not care about the same things? Do we not love our sport and the watery places where we all fish? We are all the same.

Unity,..... true angling unity....... lies in the distance it takes one anglers outstretched hand reaching to grasp the hand of another.


Hi John,

Hope you and yours are well.

Yes I remember Tims thread and supported his opinion that the specialist angling world would benefit from having its own umbrella organisation again "hopefully" based upon our actual love of fishing rather than being top heavy with political aspirations. Much like the old NASA was before everything merged into a sea of political mud which in my opinion never did the pure fishing side of specialist angling much good in the long term.

Am I still up for the idea John? Yes I am and I think that perhaps now, more than in the last few years, specialist angling might just be ready for it. Talking to a lot of specialist anglers like I do its glaring that a lot of single species anglers fish for more than just one species now a days so tend to see and appreciate the whole specialist picture. I feel it is also fair to say that the specialist anglers of today are actually a lot more skilled at catching big fish consistently akin to we were in our day when we were much younger. The knowledge a lot of these anglers have now is mind blowing. I also think that many anglers yearn for something of "quality", a stable house they can lean their rods against when coming together for a chat. The creation of the lads new barbel group certainly highlights there are those ready and willing to create something new, ready and willing also to put their backs against the wheel in order to make it work. And rather than criticising that we should all be saluting it because theirs is the spirit of old, a spirit responsible for the birth of our specialist sport.

The specialist angling movement can be rightly proud of what it has managed to achieve in terms of fish welfare and the welfare of the fishes habitat. Most of it built way before the politicos scaled our walls. Salute the single species groups and individuals simply because they have traditionally formed the framework of our great sport. But look at the bigger picture and the stark reality we remain a collection of great groups and great individuals split into factions, tribes and small clusters. Together as members of one lodge, a "pure fishing" lodge, we could be so much more.

Good luck to this new barbel group I say and all aboard it who are trying to make a difference. But let us also not forget the other barbel groups either because they also make a difference and without them all, the sport of barbel fishing would be a poorer place. As anglers, barbel or otherwise, do we not care about the same things? Do we not love our sport and the watery places where we all fish? We are all the same.

Unity,..... true angling unity....... lies in the distance it takes one anglers outstretched hand reaching to grasp the hand of another.



i could not agree more...
John has emailed at times about the multi-species idea. Tim Walden was very interested.
In fact it is his thread that is top of the old BFW archives at:
If there are the people around to support it, what is wrong with using the NASA name again?