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Which one do you join?

Jamie Armitage

Senior Member
There is a new barbel group started!
But which one do you join?
which will do most good?
If there was one big group would it make a bigger difference?
I dont know any of the politics surrounding the barbel scene.

But i would like to support this sport/passion i enjoy!
please pm me or tell me your views!!
cheers jamie
Barbel chat

There is a new barbel group started!
But which one do you join?
which will do most good?
If there was one big group would it make a bigger difference?
I dont know any of the politics surrounding the barbel scene.

But i would like to support this sport/passion i enjoy!
please pm me or tell me your views!!
cheers jamie

Join them all. Instead of wasting your time on shopping, decorating etc. you could be using your time wisely on one forum or another.
My views for what its worth with regards to which will do most good?

Ive come to terms to accept there ain't any organization or club etc that can make any difference to the state of our rivers.

The rivers are what they are and if nature decides to allow the Barbel to make a come back in the declining rivers then so be it.

I think next season I'm gonna just travel to the most prolific section of rivers I can and enjoy it.

The away day part of the ABF looks as though it will open up some doors for those who don't know or can't access good sections of Barbel fishing for what ever reasons.

I only join things for my own reasons and when those reasons have either been met or are no longer required then its time to move on.

There is only one that actually makes a difference when it comes to barbel and research & conservation and that's The Barbel Society Jamie. They don't just talk about it, they do it.

But I would say that wouldn't I? Have a look around as i'm not allowed to link through to the website.
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Jamie....this is how I saw things.
Two years ago I started fishing again and on my first trip out on the Teme bumped into Steve Pope.I didn't know him from Adam.... but we got on really well.
I took a look at the Barbel Society and joined.
What I have found is that they are a great bunch of people...they are the only organisation that have beginners and those who have been around for years....real gravitas.The likes of Steve,Pete Reading,Ade Kiddell,John Found the list goes on...and not forgetting the President and main man....Fred Crouch.
No....they have shown me that they really DO what they say in the blurb and that was good enough for me.And because of that I have learnt a huge amount in the last two years and met and become friends with some really great people.By being prepared to do something I have got involved with the Midshires region and am now on the committee too.All because I could see that here was something that was worth investing some of my time and energy into....nothing more or less.
With what the society has to offer from a history of more than 15 years and the results from what it has achieved in that time then there is really only one choice.

Dear Jamie,

If you send me an email at stevepope@btinternet.com I will gladly talk you through anything you want to know about the Barbel Society and answer any questions you may have.
Totally genuine offer, just give me your landline number and I'll call you.

All the very best,


PS. The same offer goes out to anyone who is genuinely interested in joining.
Try this link http://www.verulam-angling.co.uk/specialist/barbel10.php

An all round angling club that as build up a good relationship with the EA over many years.

Does a lot of work on its own fisheries in relation to Barbel fishing etc with the EA.

Just pointing out that just because organizations specialize in single species does not mean general all round angling clubs are none the wiser.

In the report there's some information on tracking the movements of Barbel, the distances they travel etc.

Just join an organization to enjoy your fishing, nothing more nothing less, nature will take care of the rest :)

Blimey. One "floating voter" and 3 Committee Members (inc. the "Main Man") are covering the front door, back door and the coal-hole.

In my opinion, I'd say the ABF have possibly tripped a panic button, somewhere?

To be honest, Jamie, a lot depends on what you want out of the group you join. And also what you want to put in.

There are plenty to choose from.

And read all the small print first. Some of these groups have some very strange ideas about what they'll use your subs for. :rolleyes:
Hey Simon, at least we're all singing from the same hymn sheet and getting the message out.
Whilst we are allowed to. ;)

Tony, Jamie lives in Stockport, Cheshire!! PRince Albert would be his local club.

I was just trying to get across that there are also angling clubs which are just as keen and knowledgeable as any single species organizations.

I wouldn't try and put anyone off joining any organization or club, but imho the BS is more beneficial for people who live nearer their waters within reason, because after all said and done its all comes down to catching fish.

If I lived near one of their waters such as the Trent and could get over there to fish on a regular basis then the BS would suit my circumstances.

As the BS is clearly desperate for your dosh, take pity and join them.

Then again, you might end up lonely.

If you want to join a barbel club, think about what you want from that club and if it suits your circumstances, join. You really only have a couple of options anyway as some of the barbel groups are by invitation only or by a considered application process based on experience or other criteria.

Good luck.

Jamie - good thread mate, but some of the posts have merely confirmed, to me, why I remain ambivalent towards all these 'societies', 'associations', et al. Whoever said sticking ones head in the sand was a bad idea? :)

Having said that, it'll be interesting to hear which you decide on....if any.

To quote (not sure who): "Don't walk in front of me, I will not follow. Don't walk beside me, I will not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend."
Nothing to moderate Fred, unless of course you can see, with the all seeing eye, something i may have missed?

All together now.......

He's behind you!

Edit, and so it seems he was as it happens. :)
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Hey Simon, at least we're all singing from the same hymn sheet and getting the message out.
Whilst we are allowed to. ;)

Tony, Jamie lives in Stockport, Cheshire!! PRince Albert would be his local club.

Hey Fred, I didn't "name" anyone/group? It's all in your mind. :p :D

Also, the religious overtones of "hymn sheets" is always a turn off for my anti-theist sensibilites.

Tony Smiths first sentence is good advice.

"I was just trying to get across that there are also angling clubs which are just as keen and knowledgeable as any single species organizations. "
I have been a member of some single species organisations and not found them to be of any benefit to myself. If someone wants to join whatever then thats their choice. Personally im happy being a member of my local fishing club firstly so i can enjoy a days fishing on my local stretches and secondly because my licence money directly benefits the waters i fish. In my opinion alot of these organisations have become too political and have moved so far away from their own founding values that they are now un-recognisable from what they origanally were..What happened to just joining your local fishing club and enjoying,relaxing and with a bit of luck catching a fish?..Leave politics in whitehall and just enjoy your fishing..:)
Craig, Ever been involved behind the scenes at a local fishing club? It can be far worse than whitehall.

Of course there will be many that are just happy to pay their subs and fish, and thats just fine.